the mall

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Yn pov : then I go to shopping for  clothes and I buy this

Yn pov : then I go to shopping for  clothes and I buy this

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I buy some more dress

 I buy some more dress

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 I like them

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I like them

Next I go to bag store and I want to one bag for college because 
First day I go with it people  bully me because  of that  bag so I bought  new one

Next I go to bag store and I want to one bag for college because  First day I go with it people  bully me because  of that  bag so I bought  new one

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It was noon so I go  food court and ordered  kimchi  isstue  and
Mukbang   and eat it  .

And then I go to gaming  floor  ,and after two hours  it was evening so I go to my home

( At home )

After reaching  home I have to do home work  so I do my home work and I change to this

After reaching  home I have to do home work  so I do my home work and I change to this

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Then I make Ramen then I watch TV  upto  10 : 00 pm then I went to sleep

Hey guys  author nim here 🙋‍♀️ I am sorry if this part is too short I will upload  next part today itself  and don't worry and don't forget to comment and vote

Have a good day or night

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