Niekan and walking dead

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Look at the Picture to see how Neikan looks!
Point of view of Kagome^
As we are walking i sense an familiar object and I say "Inuyasha do you sense that?" "No what?" I look into the dark forest and Sango says "do you sense something?" "Ya I think it's a sacred jewel shard!" "you can sense them?" Inuyasha says "yeah I'm a half demon priestess! why else would I carry around a bow and arrows?" They all nod and I laugh. I say "it's coming from that way, and what's that smell?" Me and Inuyasha scrunch our noses and he says "smells like dead people!" Then we hear it growls and moans and then we hear "hahaha two half breeds and a monk and demon slayer, How unfortunate for me! Well actually!" He smirks and he sends a heard of dead people and he says "go my dead men and woman and devour there flesh!" "Zombies" I say and Inuyasha looks at me and nod and he then says "I'm Neikan lord of the dead. I'm a huge moth demon but I'm also dead so I will see you at my castle if you want Shippo back!" He leaves and I yell "NO Shippo!" We continue to fight the zombies and then I grab my little sia and Inuyasha says "what are you doing with a tiny knife, it won't help, use your bow stupid!" I say "Siakotsu" and Pierces all the zombies and they all fall and it comes back and I catch it and I pull a arrow out and I draw it and release and it purifies all the zombies

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