Chapter 2:

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Shit, my head hurts. But like why the fuck can't I see. It's still black.
Wherever the fuck I am it's freezing my tits off. All I remember is someone whispering "tag you're it" in my ear, and then...well I'm not sure exactly.

It feels like I have a goose egg.Shit, obviously it was a snatch and grab. Damn, none existent street lights.

I try and sit up but my hands seemed to be tied to something. Fuck me. I just wanted to drink away my sorrows only to be gifted with more.

I feel around my hands, well, what little bit I can move them. Fucking zip ties. Idiot. He acts like I haven't seen those TikTok videos of how to get out of these situations.

Well, I mean my capturer could be female but according to Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds it's probably unlikely.

I've never tried getting out of zip ties while also being tied to something. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I bet you can just picture me mentally smacking myself in the head with my hand.

I angle my body to try and face whatever it is I'm attached to. I yank at the bit of tie lose and put it close to my mouth. I say fuck my teeth and just pull that fucker as tight as I can. And then I push and pull my hands. I yank them side to side. If there is a God, I hope he knows I currently need help right now. Like this is not the time in my life where I want to be Knocking on Heavens Door. I feel tension than I go flying across this dark Abis. I'm free. Thanks one dude on TikTok. Now if only you told me how to make a freaking flashlight with them that would just make this better.

I get on my hands and knees trying to figure out my surroundings without hurting myself by bumping into things. I still bet I'll stub my toe or something. I am me after all.

The only thing I find is a possible bed and chains. Well, it's been decided I'm fucked. I can almost hear myself hyperventilating. Wait don't we all hear ourselves do that? God, never mind think. If whoever took me comes back and sees me free...

What if he kills me? Or worse? I truly smack myself in the head this time. Think, ya blond fuck think. I grab the chains. They are heavier than I thought.

Hopefully if he comes here I can surprise him enough to get the chains around his neck and make him pass out.

At that thought I hear a growl. Holy fucking shit. Not only am I trapped in some kind of dark dungeon medieval room, but there's some kind of dog in here and it sounds like a Cujo not a Scooby Doo.

The growling gets closer. Is this damn thing loose?
I like animals but this is just a whole nother level of dog.

"Nice puppy, you won't hurt me right". I crouch to the dogs level and put my palm to the sky and inch it forward. Please don't bite it off. Please, please,please.

I feel the dogs hot breath on my hand. I'm sure it can just feel my fear.

"Having fun"?

Okay where did that voice come from? Why did it sound so damn familiar?

"Don't worry she won't bite, she's all talk. Just like you", the voice says menacingly. All of a sudden a light flickers to one of the dark walls. Once the lights settle themselves. It's him, he's standing on the other side of the glass staring at me.


"I've been watching you for awhile now, it's just now you're old enough. Welcome to your new home, Amanda"!

Ahh fuck. I hear a scream so high pitched and distant I'm surprised it doesn't break the glass.

Wait, did I make that scream? Are my eyes and whole body just playing tricks on me?

What in the actual fuck! There just can't be a God...

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