Chapter 1- Hammering at the start

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Today was a brisk morning in Japan. And much like any other morning, our protagonist was sleeping his head off in his room. Which appeared to have a medium-sized desk and bed, with various hero posters plastered on its walls. Varying from the ever-popular hero All Might to the lesser-known like Hawks, Mirko, and others like Midnight and Vlad King, along with what appeared to be sheets of paper that had rough sketches for weapons and costume designs. 

Though unlike the many (everyone) who slept in their beds, our main man, Y/n L/n, was resting his head on his desk. Various trinkets, small machine parts, and work tools are strewn about around his head.

Y/n: "ZZZzzzZzzZzZ..." His light snoring could be heard throughout the bedroom. It seemed like nothing could wake him up at the moment. 

Through the teen's short snores he shifted his head, bumping and moving some objects on the unorganized desk. Eventually, a strand of hair managed to hit the tip of a small welder, lighting his hair with a short and small spark. A thin line of smoke rose from the young man's dark ebony-colored hair, specifically emanating from a silvery-colored tuff of hair. 

Feeling some discomfort, Y/n shifted in his sleep again. This time he moved his arm in such a way that it knocked away an All Might brand clock. It fell to the ground with a loud thud, which caused it to sound its alarm.


The yellow, blue, and red plastic clock played its alarm in All Might's voice. Finally, waking Y/n up from his deep and relaxing sleep. The plume of smoke was still coming off his head.

Y/n: *Yawn* "Damn, morning already?" The teen stretched his arms "Gotta organize my sleeping schedule better" 

Y/n paused for a second to think.

Y/n: "Nah..." 


The alarm continued to blare in the background. Slightly annoyed, Y/n looked to the side of his desk with a huff to turn off the alarm.


Y/n quickly turned off the alarm with an annoyed and tired look. His hair was still producing smoke...

Y/n: "All Might may be an awesome hero, but his products sure are annoying..." He said while talking over a short yawn. He then brought the clock to his face to see the time "Oh crap!" He yelled out in a sudden panic.

Y/n: "I'm gonna be late!-" He turned around to change into his school uniform.

Y/n: "-For breakfast! Don't want to miss the most important meal of the day!!" He continued to change into his uniform, then marched to his door. His hair still smoking...

 Walking to the living room, Y/n smelled the familiar odor of toast and coffee. Walking over to the table and grabbed a mug.

Y/n: "Mornin' Ma'!" He excitedly said as he took a sip from the mug.

The woman, who stood at 170 Cm in height, turned around to look at her young son, her piercing green eyes looked locked on her son with a kind yet stern look. This was the 42-year-old Shirona L/n Tsuyoi, Y/n's mother. Once the two locked eyes, Y/n knew immediately what she was going to say.

Y/n: "Sorry I got up a bit later than usual, spent longer than expected working on my gear last night, hehe" Y/n shyly said as he scratched the back of his head. Taking another sip from his mug and a bite from his buttered toast after.

Shirona: *Sigh* "I get you're excited to eventually head off to a hero-oriented high school son. And I also understand that you want to finally use your quirk, but you need proper rest if you want a healthy lifestyle" His mother quickly explained as she washed the dishes from her breakfast. She took note of the small line of smoke while raising an eyebrow.

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