Chapter 2- Training Begins

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Y/n P.O.V.

So yeah... this is happening now...

Y/n: "So, you're telling me that Broccoli head over here..." I said while pointing at Izuku, who silently sat on his knees next to me, his previous tears no longer present on his face. "Is worthy of your mighty power, because of his heroic attitude?" 

Small Might: "For the fifth time! YES!" Small Might (That's what I'll call him now) answered by spitting up blood, exasperated at my attitude.

Y/n: "Ok...So let me get this straight..." I started again, making Small Might fall back in annoyance.

Small Might: "Nonsense!" He yelled at me, shaking with a short groan. All the while our poor cinnamon roll continued to sit quietly, waiting to ask what the pro hero had meant earlier.

 All the while our poor cinnamon roll continued to sit quietly, waiting to ask what the pro hero had meant earlier

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Small Might: "I don't get it, young man. You took my explanation for being in a weakened state much better than the shorter story of me offering to pass down the torch to your friend over there..." Small Might said, rubbing his temples in vexation over my constant questioning.

I perked up as he said this, rubbing my chin in thought.

Y/n: "I mean..." I started "It's pretty obvious if you ask me..." I told him, only confusing the N°1 Hero even more than before, tilting his head and waiting for an explanation.

Y/n: "I've always thought that pro heroes needed some sort of way to blend in during their downtime... so that they don't get constantly crowded by fans. I just assumed this was yours, pretty self-explanatory, right?" I explained with my eyes closed and a finger raised.

Y/n: "Besides... The clothes you had in your muscle form are the same, you're blond in both forms and you sound pretty much the same, just with less enthusiasm." I quickly listed off my reasons for knowing as the pro simply stood by, mouth completely agape.

Y/n: "What does confuse me though..." I speak up, making Small Might and Izuku look at me curiously "Is the fact that you didn't just make up some excuse or lie to keep this huge secret from me..." I told the blond hero as he simply wiped the blood from his mouth.

Small Might: "I couldn't risk it... Even if you did an admirable act back there, by saving your friend and that other young man, I couldn't take the risk of you going out there and sharing a secret that could spread like a wildfire... Keeping you under surveillance along with your friend over here would've been my best shot. I hope you understand, young man"

Y/n: *Sigh* "Though not a foolproof plan, I get it..." I sighed while looking to the side, crossing my arms.

It was weird being told you were untrustworthy by the N°1 hero. Even if to me, the number was meaningless.

Small Might: "Anyway, back to the main topic of discussion!" Small Might suddenly yelled at the two of us, mainly at Izuku, by pointing at him. "Listen my boy! I'm asking you..." Izuku reacted by looking up at the skinny blond hero. "If you want to try accepting my power!!" He said by vomiting an un-needed amount of blood, staining his mouth.

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