Reconciled [Oneshot]

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[Requested by Anonymous]

"That's hyung to you!"

"Does anyone else hear the wind?"

"Jungkook! Stop being a brat!"

"No just me?"


Fighting. Constantly. For days. The two youngest members of BTS have been at eachothers throats non-stop for longer than anyone would have expected. The other members were ready to lose their shit, they didn't know the full reason of the fighting to begin with. Something about Taehyung's favorite necklace going missing, something about Jungkook stealing it and selling it on Ebay for money (Which Jungkook continuously denied doing) and something about never forgiving eachother. Honestly, it had all become a blur to the rest of the members as they dealt with the constant fighting and childlike name-calling and dirty looks Jungkook and Taehyung kept throwing at eachother. The members tried multiple times to have interventions to get them to remember their place and treat eachother like the 'two peas in a pod' that they truly were. However nothing seemed to be working. Taehyung couldn't hold back making snarky or rude comments every time Jungkook came around, and Jungkook had to make sure to get the last word in every single time. Needless to say, everyone was exhausted.

To add to the stress already raging through the house, the five older members would be attending an event later that was only for people 18 and up. Jimin had just made the cut, as his birthday had just passed. Which unfortunately meant Taehyung had to stay home with Jungkook because he hadn't reached his birthday yet. The thought of the two staying home alone together had everyone on edge the entire day. The older members knew they'd do nothing but fight, if not completely burn the house down. Hobi mentioned having one of their other friends come to stay at the house too just to keep an eye on things but Taehyung refused because he "wasn't a baby who needed a babysitter, that's Jungkook."

"Please. Just for one night. Be nice to eachother. One night is all I'm asking," Namjoon was talking to Taehyung while getting his shoes on, it was almost time for him and the others to leave for the event. He was rubbing his eyebrows, stress written all over his face.

"Why don't you tell HIM to be nice?" Taehyung said angrily while pointing to Jungkook.

"Better off just not talking to eachother. Just stay in separate rooms or something," Yoongi chimed in while throwing his coat on. The members were still trying to find ways to get the two to reconcile, but they didn't have time for another intervention at the moment so their only option was to hope the two maknae's didn't rip eachother's hair out while they're gone. Jungkook stood in the hallway entrance pouting watching his hyungs get ready to go. He either wanted to go with them, although he couldn't, or have one of them stay home too. He knew he'd be lonely for the night, because obviously he wasn't about to hang out with Taehyung.

"Jungkook, Taehyung is in charge while we are gone," Namjoon demanded.

"What?! Why him?!"

"Because he's-" Namjoon got cut off.

"Because I'm older. Are you dumb or just stupid?" Taehyung stuck his tongue out at Jungkook. Jimin rolled his eyes, " Enough, both of you. For the love of God just don't even look at eachother or something. Whatever gets you two to shut up for five minutes."

"We all know I'm the more responsible one!" Jungkook cried.

"Says the one who stole my favorite necklace and sold it on ebay like a stupid little peasant!" Taehyung screamed at him.

"ENOUGH!" Jin came down the hallway, " Both of you! ENOUGH! We don't have time right now but I swear when we get home we are having a serious conversation!!!"

Taekook Hurtfic- ReconciledWhere stories live. Discover now