Chapter 13: Abilities

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After warming up completely Taehyung showed me around the house, well it was more like a mansion. It was insane really, all the rooms were huge and filled with grand designs some of which seemed ancient. The architecture and furniture fit together perfectly. I guess being around for this long meant you developed certain tastes.

The last room was Taehyung's room. It was different from the room I was placed in when Jimin and Jungkook kidnapped me. Dark coloured wood covered the floor and a large fur rug lay over it. The bed was kingsized and low to the ground, adorned with several cushions and a colourful throw. The walls were dark, there was an indent on the wall behind the bed that was lined with lights which gave the room an ambient glow. The furniture was simple and like the room from before had a large window revealing the outside. I paced over to the bed as I sat down, it was extremely comfortable. "Wow," I said in awe of the whole place.

"Is it that impressive?" Taehyung asked as he sat down on the bed next to me.

I rolled my eyes. "Compared to my very small student flat, yes." I held his hand in mine.

"Is it what you were expecting? My room I mean?" Taehyung asked curiously.

"Well..not exactly," I admitted, he moved his head closer to mine as he stared intently at me. "I guess I was imagining a dark room full of coffins," I said embarrassed.

Taehyung laughed. "Did you really think I lived like that?"

"I don't know! I didn't even think vampires existed until I met you." Taehyung chuckled again.

"Okay so you've told me how you met Jimin but what about Jungkook?" I asked curiously.

"I met Jungkook after Jimin, about a hundred or so years later." He began playing with my fingers as he continued with his story.

"He was quite young when he turned, only eighteen. He can be quite troublesome sometimes, he still has that fiery personality of a teenager." Taehyung smiled to himself.

"Truthfully he's not sure who changed him and why, he just suddenly became one of us. Of course, he quickly became infatuated with the benefits our kind brings."

"Benefits?" I asked, confused.

"Being a vampire gives you certain abilities...all for hunting our prey." Taehyung's gaze moved away from mine. "Heightened senses, we can move at a speed that humans cannot and we can tamper with memories but you already knew that." Taehyung stood to his feet as he walked over to the wardrobe sitting in the corner of the room. "We are also strong." He lifted it effortlessly with one hand, my mouth fell open in shock.

He placed it back on the ground. "Of course, there's one more thing we can do..." Taehyung's eyebrows creased into an anxious expression.

"You don't have to show me if you don't want to," I said reassuringly. I didn't want him to be uncomfortable.

"No, it's okay. I just...I don't want to frighten you." He turned to face me as he stood in the centre of the room.

"I promise I won't be scared," I said confidently.

Taehyung nodded, his body became blurred almost? It was as if the outline of his body had faded. Then in quick succession, it spun and twisted and then it popped! To reveal a bat flying in the air, my eyes widened in shock. Was this still Taehyung? The bat flew over towards me. I flinched at first but upon remembering it was Taehyung I held my hands out for him. He glided over towards me, landing in my palms. "You're very cute like this," I said as I stroked the top of his head, his fur was soft. The bat flew out of my hands as it changed back into Taehyung.

"So now you know everything we can do, all these abilities enable us to hunt our prey...Jungkook had become erratic almost. He enjoyed his newfound powers immensely. He did what he wanted whenever he wanted, this caused some dismay in our world." Taehyung swallowed. "When Jimin and I found him we intended to end him..."

Taehyung sat down on the bed next to me, gripping my hands. "You have to understand...It's an unwritten rule that no one should know about us. The human world would become corrupt if they knew vampires existed but when I saw him. I saw myself in a way. I took pity on him, so I invited him home."

"He's come a long way since the day I found him, his mischievous behaviour still pops out every now and then." Taehyung smiled. "I hold both Jimin and Jungkook very close to me, even though we are not related by blood I regard them both as brothers as we have been together for so long."

I held my palm to his cheek, stroking my thumb against his skin. "Thank you for sharing that with me." I was happy that he was opening up more about his past.

"Is that everything you wanted to know?" Taehyung asked in a deep voice as he moved closer to me, his breath brushed my lips.

I nodded as he placed his lips on top of mine, they felt cool against my warm skin. Like when you rub a melting ice cube along your skin, it almost feels tingly. I ran my fingers through his hair as I kissed him passionately. Taehyung pulled away, my breathing was ragged as he stood to his feet. "I should take you home."

"So soon?" I joked.

"I don't think you realise what the time is." Taehyung quipped back. I turned my head to look outside and saw the sky was already quite dark, my mouth formed an 'o' shape. Taehyung chuckled as he led me towards his car that was parked outside, it was too dark to fully appreciate the front of the house. With no lights to illuminate the mansion, it looked almost invisible as it blended in with its surroundings although I guess that's what vampires would want so they weren't disturbed.

Taehyung drove smoothly and carefully across the road as he put the heating on. I felt rather comfortable as I let my eyelids droop until I was asleep. When I opened them again I found myself back in my flat, in my bed? It was still night, had I dreamt everything? As I sat up in bed I realised that wasn't the case as I was still fully dressed. I reached for my phone that was sitting on my desk. I had a message from Taehyung.

TH: I did not wish to wake you so I brought you straight to your room. I hope you don't mind. Have a good night's sleep.

I smiled as I curled myself back underneath the covers, waiting for tomorrow to come.

A/N: What did you think of Jungkook's backstory? Let me know!

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