Chapter 14: Cold

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A few days later

I felt absolutely horrible, my head was pounding and my nose was blocked. No doubt about it. I definitely had a cold. I slowly rolled over in bed in an effort to not aggravate my migraine as I searched the floor for my fallen phone. I found it and squinted my eyes as I looked at the screen, it was 7:30 AM. Ugh. I texted Taehyung quickly.

Piper: Dw about waiting for me. I'm not going in today x

I shut my eyes as I let my phone drop onto the bed. I was on the verge of falling back to sleep when I heard a faint tapping sound.

I opened my eyes slowly as I looked around the room confused, where was the noise coming from? Eventually my eyes drifted to the window, through the small crack the curtains had left I could see Taehyung pressing his face up against the glass.

Wait, Taehyung!?

I sat up quickly which I instantly regretted as my head began to throb. I grabbed the side of my face as I got out of bed, opening the window to let Taehyung inside. "We have doors, you know." I quipped as he stepped lightly onto the floor.

"I know but I thought this way would be quicker." He smiled warmly at me. I staggered slightly as I walked back to the bed, Taehyung caught my arm as his eyebrows creased together. "Are you okay?" His face was full of worry.

"I'm fine. I just have a cold." I said as he helped me to sit back down.

"A cold?" Taehyung said concerned.

"It's nothing, just a human virus," I said nonchalantly as I waved away his concerns. I laid back down on the bed, pulling the covers up around me.

"It doesn't look like nothing," Taehyung said quickly before he pulled his phone out, typing away. "The common cold is an infection of your nose and throat, colds are caused by viruses." Taehyung began reading out the google definition.

"I know what a cold is, Taehyung," I said slightly annoyed, my head was still pounding.

He closed his mouth but I watched as his eyes whizzed side to side, looking at his phone. "Are you sure it's not the flu? What are your symptoms?" Before I could answer he had placed his hand against my forehead, his cool skin.

I held his hand in place. "That feels nice," I said as I closed my eyes.

"Maybe we should go to the hospital, it says if it's flu then it can get-"

"No! I'm fine." I protested.

"Piper, you look really ill," Taehyung said concerned.

"All I need is some paracetamol and some sleep!" I said frustratedly, Taehyung didn't speak again. I realised after a few moments that I was being shall we say 'hard work'. "I'm sorry...It's just that my head is killing me." I said apologetically.

Taehyung smiled again, standing to his feet before disappearing out the door. I pushed myself up in bed, afraid that I had offended him but he reappeared with a glass of water and paracetamol in his hands. I took a swig off the water as I swallowed the tablets. "Thanks, you can go to uni if you want. Don't worry about me."

"No way! I can't leave you when you're like this, what if you need something?" Taehyung said.

I felt a smile pull at my lips. "Okay then if you're sure." Taehyung smiled.

"Are you hungry? I have to warn you that I haven't cooked in over three hundred years but I can always go out and pick something up for you."

"No, I don't really have an appetite," I admitted.

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