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A/N: Clarifications!

-After Iron Man 3

-No Laura, no family

-Not set during Hawkeye

Come meet me in Central Park. That was it. That was the note that appeared on her dresser that evening. Usually, Natasha would have been more weary, but hostage notes were mostly "come to the warehouse at 12:35 AM or he dies", not written in sleek handwriting and left in a small envelope. She glanced out at the snow-covered city from her room in Avengers Tower and pulled her coat over her warm sweater and boots over her feet. 

"Lady Natasha," she heard from Thor as he looked up from the old episode of The Office where Dwight was dressing up as someone. "Why are you traveling so late and at such a day where the weather is this distressing?"

Natasha pocketed the note and headed towards the door, passing the giant tree that was decorated with gold and silver and white lights plus glittering tinsel and presents under the tree. "Natasha, it's Christmas Eve," Steve said. He checked a clock on the wall. "Actually, it's a few hours until Christmas. Why are you heading out now? You and Barton both?"

Her partner had left early this morning and hadn't come back. "Exactly," Natasha said, forming a lie in her head, "I'm trying to find Clint. Bye." Tony tried to yell at her but she closed the elevator doors and was at the bottom of the skyscraper in a matter of seconds. 

She stepped out into the frigid night, her breath fogging up the air as she pulled her jacket closer around her. She called a cab and told him to drive to Central Park, even though it wasn't that far. She got out after a few minutes and quickly found a small area where she saw Melinda May and Bobbi Morse waiting for her. 

"Did you send the note?" she asked, shivering as she held the piece of paper up. Bobbi shook her head as the pair beckoned Natasha inside a small building. 

Inside was decorated with evergreen and pinecone garlands and white lights. There was a closet in the corner that was gently pushed open and a mirror with makeup sitting beside it and gold pins. 

"What is this?" she asked in bewilderment. May and Bobbi didn't reply and May slipped off into a changing area, taking something from the closet. She came out a little bit later in a simple black dress with thin straps and off-shoulder sleeves carrying a bouquet of deep red and purple flowers. Bobbi wordlessly changed into the same outfit and carried the same bouquet. 

"That's- That's the bridesmaid dress I chose," Natasha said suddenly and saw the shimmer of her gold and diamond engagement ring on the table. She hurried over to the closet and saw the remaining item.

It was a flowing white gown, stitched with small black details on the top hem and a sleek, shiny skirt that zipped up the back. It was short sleeved and at the bottom of the wood closet were a pair of black heels and a bouquet in a basket with flowers of varying shades of red and purple with a hint of black flowers. 

"Go on, Natasha," May said gently as Natasha took the dress of the hanger and walked to the changing area and then slipped it on. It didn't feel real. It rose at her throat and the silver arrow necklace dangled there as well. May attached a veil to her hair that was quickly done up in a bun of shining red hair.

Bobbi showed Natasha a small, secret door in the back of the closet that led into a crowded stone pathway. "We tried to keep it small but...." Bobbi trailed off and looked at the dozens of people gathered there. Natasha saw Phil in a black suit waiting for her at the end of the pathway. She didn't dare glance up towards who she knew would be waiting. 

She saw tears spark in Phil's eyes and then hugged her. "I'm so proud of you," Phil whispered. "You deserve him." Natasha hugged him back, already feeling herself begin to cry. She took his arm as snow landed on her hair and a chill filled their.

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