Chapter 16 - Physical Strength

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After a few minutes you reach your house.

Y/N: "Mum! I'm home!"

Mum: "Finally! You should have come right back home after you woke up!"

Y/N: "... I'm sorry, I-"

Mum: "No! You need to learn to be more responsible!"

Y/N: "But-"

Mum: "No 'buts'! Head to your room! You have school tomorrow!"

Y/N: "Right..."

You sigh and faceplant into your bed.

Y/T: 'Bleh... I'll just do some studying...'

After a few hours of studying and a bit of readying, you head to bed. The Next Day...

Y/N: "*Yawn* Time to get up..."

You put your uniform on and head out the door.

Mina: "Y/N!! Hey!!!"

Y/N: "Hey, Mina! How ya doin'?"

Mina: "I'm doing great! The sleepover was so much fun!!"

Y/N: "I thought so too! But my mum got really mad at me for not coming home right away... ugh."

Mina: "Awww... I'm sorry."

Y/N: "It's alright. She's just really strict."

Mina: "Ugh. That's such a bummer."

Morning classes went as usual, until it was time for training.

Mr Aizawa: "Today's exercise is going to build up physical strength so that you will be able to push past your physical limits."

Y/T: 'Sounds like it's going to be tough... Let's hope I do well...'

Mr Aizawa: "We'll start with long distance running."

Mr Aizawa pulls out a small clipboard and flips over a few papers before taking out a pen.

Mr Aizawa: "I'll be recording your scores, so don't hold back. And no quirks. You'll be in groups of five, I'll pick them in a moment."

He flips through some more papers, marking a few of them before continuing to talk.

Mr Aizawa: "Bakugo, Yaoyorozu, Midoriya, Todoroki and... L/N, you all are Group One. Aoyama, Iida, Mineta, Asui, and Jiro, Group Two. Ashido, Ojiro, Uraraka, Tokoyami, and Kaminari, Group Three. Shoji, Hagakure, Kirishima, Sero and Sato, Group Four. Group One, head to the starting line."

You, Bakugo, Momo, Midoriya and Todoroki walk over to the white line in the dirt.

Mr Aizawa: "Alright! Go!!"

You dig your feet in hard to the ground, pumping your legs as fast as possible. Bakugo is the first to pass, followed by Todoroki, Midoriya, you then Momo. You find that you keep glancing towards Todoroki. His mismatched eyes seem to keep drawing your focus. Thankfully, Todoroki doesn't seem to notice.

Mr Aizawa: "Nicely done. Next group."

The five of you step back and gather with the rest of your classmates.

Mr Aizawa: "Alright. Next up is Group Two."

Aoyama, Iida, Mineta, Tsu, and Jiro walk to the line and get ready.

Mr Aizawa: "Go!"

Iida is the first to cross by far, even without his quirk. Tsu is a few seconds after him, followed by Jiro and Aoyama, and Mineta last.

Mr Aizawa: "Next."

Mina, Ojiro, Ochako, Tokoyami, and Kaminari take their turn and run. Ojiro crosses first, Tokoyami second, then Mina, Kaminari, and Ochako. Finally, the last group lines up. Shoji, Hagakure, Kirishima, Sero and Sato step up to the line. It's a close race. Shoji comes first, with Kirishima and Sero after, then Sato and Hagakure. You give a thumbs up to Kirishima. He gives you a sharp toothed grin and shoots his thumbs up back at you. Mr Aizawa finishes writing down his notes before continuing to the next test. You finish the rest of the tests with ease. It was kind of like the quirk assessment test, but without actually using quirks.

Mr Aizawa: "Alright, class. That's it for today. Head to the locker room, change, and get back to the classroom."

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