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Sakusa comes down stairs and goes to the kitchen where everyone is at.

"How is Samu?" Tobio asks once he notices Sakusa.

"He's sore," Sakusa says as he leans against the island.

"But how is he?" Suna asks with a deeper meaning.

"He's here, he's trying to get pass what happened, but it's gonna take some time," Sakusa says with a sigh.

"It will get better, Samu is tough and won't let this drag him down," Atsumu says as he jumps onto the counter.

"I know, I just hate seeing him like this, it brings back memories that I don't want to come back," Sakusa says as he goes to the fridge to get something drink for himself and Osamu.

"None of us want to see going through this, but for now we just have to take it day by day, and if Osamu need anything or help with anything, we're gonna be here for him," Kita says as he pushes Atsumu off the counter.

"I just feel bad, I wish there was a way we could had prevented this," Motoya says as he leans back in his seat.

"We all do, but for now, we just have to focus on getting Osamu better," Tobio says as he leans against Suna.

Suna runs his hand through Tobio's hair and kisses his head.

"He will get better, Samu is just that tough," Suna says quietly.

Everyone in room knows it true, but they're still scared.

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