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Tobio is in a deep sleep, when he wakes up to a loud crash. He jumps awake and sits up on his bed. His door open so Tobio panics, and hides under his blanket.

"You know if I had my gun, that blanket wouldn't protect you," A very familiar voice says.

Tobio peeks out from under the blanket, and see Suna leaning against the doorframe.

"I heard a noise, and then my door opened and I got scared," Tobio says with a pout.

Suna sighs and goes to the bed, and sits down beside Tobio.

"I know blueberry, I know that's it scary since you're pretty much new," Suna says as he rests his hand on his cheek.

Tobio just looks up at him, and nuzzles into his hand. Suna smiles before speaking up again.

"The loud crash you heard was Atsumu dropping bowls that he was trying to put up, and I decided to check on you since I know how your past was," Suna says.

"What are you guys doing up so late? It's like three in the morning," Tobio says as he checks the time.

"We got hungry well Tsumu and I, so we went down stairs to get food," Suna says.

"If you wake up Kita, you know you're two are gonna be in deep trouble," Tobio says.

"Yeah, I know," Suna says with a pout.

"Is there broken glass?" Tobio asks.

"Yeah, so I'm gonna go and help him," Suna says standing up.

"Can I help?" Tobio asks.

"We will really appreciate that," Suna says.

Tobio gets up and stretches his arms above his head. They make their way to the kitchen, and see Atsumu sweeping up the broken glass.

"Hey you're bleeding," Tobio says as he notices the blood seeping from Atsumu's hand.

"Huh?" Atsumu says as he looks down at his him.

"Give me the broom, and Tobio fix up Tsumu's hand," Suna says as he walks into the kitchen.

Atsumu walks to Tobio, and hands Suna the broom. Tobio sits on the island with the first aid. Atsumu holds his hand out, and Tobio gently takes it and gets to work. Suna sweeps up all the glass, and makes sure he doesn't cut himself on any. A couple minutes later, Tobio finishes with Atsumu's hand, and Suna finishes sweeping. After they put everything up, they heard banging on the back door. Tobio clings to Suna's arms, as Atsumu and Suna looks towards the door.

"Follow me," Suna whispers.

The other two nod their heads, and Suna lead them out of the kitchen.

"Tsumu grab your gun, I'm gonna grab mine," Suna says as they make their way upstairs.

The older boys quickly grabs their guns, and go back to the kitchen.

"Tobs, stay behind Tsumu," Suna says as he makes his way to the back door.

Tobio clings to the back of Atsumu's shirt, as Atsumu lifts up his gun. Suna makes sure he has a good grip on his gun. He opens the door, and points it at the person.

"What the fuck you fucking snake," Suna growls out.

Suna and Atsumu put their guns down, but they're still on guard.

"Oh calm down, I just came here to tell you that your friend Hinata wants to talk to you," Daishou says.

"He can go fuck himself for all I care," Suna says with a scoff.

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