rainbows, hope, & new beginnings: aaron hotchner.

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{request for: juptersmoons <33}

"do you want to feel? she's beginning to kick."
"oh, my god!"
penelope exclaimed as she laid a gentle hand to a glowing y/n's stomach.
there within,
laid the perfect creation that her and her fiancée, aaron hotchner,
had prayed would blossom.
and there she was,
just a few months before their wedding date, too.
"she's so precious already."
"mhm. doesn't stop moving either. just like her father."
aaron exhaled a laugh at y/n's humor then leaned over to press a kiss to her head.
everything had been so perfect these last few years together,
it was a wonder that anything had ever gone wrong in their lives before.
this was what familial bliss felt like.
and god,
was it addicting.
it's no surprise that aaron and y/n share the grief of traumatic past relationships and extending even further than that,
horrible childhoods they feared they'd never recover from.
but here they stand,
having braved all of that wickedness,
to be in this blessed moment.
aaron and y/n engaged to be married,
expecting their own bundle of joy to accompany jack;
a beautiful family that they deserved.
"decided on any names yet?"
spencer asked.
y/n looked up at aaron who's arm was wrapped around her waist,
keeping her tight to his side.
she adored these little moments with him.
"well? do we?"
"we haven't decided on just one, yet,"
he answered with a smile that never faded towards y/n.
"better decide soon. she looks ready to meet everyone,"
jj said with a laugh,
brushing y/n's arm in support.
aaron thanked y/n again for bringing him coffee,
then going into his usual lecture,
"you shouldn't be moving around as much. i don't want you to get hurt."
"relax, love. i'm okay. we're okay. everything's okay."
aaron laid a gentle kiss to her lips,
because everything he did had to be gentle these days,
then brushed a lock of hair from her eyes.
"i know. you're amazing. i won't let you forget that."
y/n nestled her head to his chest for a few moments longer until he was called back to work.
despite her excitement for her newborn,
she often missed working alongside aaron.
how intimidating and matter-of-fact he once had been towards her,
as her boss at the time.
until she'd gotten hurt during one of their cases and it was then she decided to venture into other career paths.
life seemed so temporary and the idea of that,
coupled with the fact half of her life's accomplishments hadn't yet been achieved,
forced her head on right.
aaron continued to check on her a few months after her departure from the b.a.u,
claiming he was worried about her and wanted to make sure of her safety,
which had only been partly true.
it wasn't until he asked her out to dinner that she realized he'd been working up the courage to ask her out,
all while caring for her injury.
they'd been inseparable since,
each day somehow more blissful than the last.
aaron had supported her greatly,
even more so in these months of her pregnancy.
he was amazing.
she thanked every higher power out there for granting her such a blessing after a lifetime of curses.
y/n had all of these thoughts prominent into her mind as she walked into the house aaron and her bought to shelter herself, aaron, jack, and their new arrival.
it smelled of homely comfort,
something y/n wasn't sure wound ever stop giving her chills,
and was littered with traces of their existences.
jack's figurine toys on the ground,
all stood frozen in the motion he set them in this morning before school.
aaron and y/n's pictures on dates,
hanging on the wall and on the tables,
y/n's perfected interior designing.
it was all just marvelous .
she reveled in this until she felt a lingering presence.
it was evil.
too evil to belong in her home of safety.
she had no time to react before a cloth was pressed against her mouth,
smelling of chloroform.
y/n had every motion in mind to harm her attacker,
but she's paralyzed with the fear of harming the baby in the process.
so she does all that she can;
y/n gives in and allows for this evil being,
tainting her home that was once clean of any malice,
to take her away from her solace.

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