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"Oh fuck, I forgot they were all sporty,"

The wind blows gently embracing you and your girls while you watch House Blue Heron excelling at dodgeball and Yuta's house being pummeled. Tying your arms across your chest, you sit on the bench outside the netted ball ground and glance at your girls. You mentally sigh, you wish you could change your schedule but unfortunately, they were set by age group and you run on the same schedule as House Blue Heron.

"Are we going to play?" you ask, peering over your shoulder at your kids and laughing weakly at their lack of response. "Want to go bracelet making instead? We can sit this out," you suggest, propping your hands on the bench and leaning upwards towards them and getting a show of hand, obviously they'd rather do that than get slammed by a rubber ball.

Smiling at them, you push yourself off the bench and call out Yuta's name, gesturing him to the mess hall right beside the ground. Taeyong catching the exchange couldn't keep his mouth shut and scoffs, asking, "Running away, love?" a shit-eating smirk settles on his face and you curl your fingers in, rolling your eyes. "As if you could do better at bracelet making," you hiss, throwing your finger at him.

Johnny giggles, breaking the tension as he pulls your eyes towards him and his huge body curling in a shy manner. "Is something funny?" you ask, bending sidewards to observe his shaking shoulders. Vigorously shaking his head, he responds, "N-no, it was my head making a joke and man, I am so funny," he laughs, tousling his hair away from his eyes.

Sighing at him, you roll your eyes strutting away from them and remind yourself that his friends' are all probably as insufferable as him.

The girls keep the door open for you, watching your bitter interaction with the group leader of House Blue Jay and you scoff, you didn't get along with any of the other group leaders other than Yuta and April. You blame yourself because you knew you were picky with friends but even more when it came to people you didn't like, Taeyong being on the top of that list was definitely not accidental.

You wish you could turn off the part of your brain that was always on him; whether it be thirsting over how sexy he looks under his white shirt or how infuriating he is when his smirk makes you weak all while he is also actively provoking you to a fist-fight. It was the fact you couldn't just feel one emotion towards him, the influx of emotions instead that he erupts in you—from anger to annoyance to embarrassment to making you blush at your thoughts. He had a power over you that you didn't want to accept he had, one that wins over your hate for him.

In Yuta's words, "You are in denial of the fact you might be in love with him."

You settle your girls in a table and search the materials required for bracelet making, noting the House Blue Jay's boys delicately working their way through the bracelet making. With an easy smile, you walk over to the boys and greet them cheerily, "Hi, boys," you sit in the empty seat beside them and ask, "When do you think I can have materials for this?"

"How about after a rafting match with Taeyong this evening?" you hear, Suh Johnny's boyish voice invading your ears. "Yeah?" you chastise him, "How about a n-no?" you fake a stutter, rolling your eyes.

"Oh don't be like that," he whines, sitting beside you and propping his arm behind your chair. "Taeyong is a decent guy once you've known him,"

Pursuing your lips together, you exaggeratedly nod your head and furrow your brows, "Hm, interesting of you to say that. He must really be a nice guy," you lock your eyes with Johnny and ask again, "We just want the bracelet making kit, when can we have it?"

Johnny sighs, giving up. "How many bracelets are done, boys?" he asks, and they begin counting, seven done and three in progress. "Well, then give us a few and you'll have the kit,"

"Thank you," you smile chastely at him, walking away bur before you could ignore him he says, "You know, Taeyong absolutely sucks at rafting,"

And that was the beginning of an intense showdown between you and Lee Taeyong, masterminded by Suh Johnny and commentary by Nakamoto Yuta.

"Heh, you are so dead bro," Yuta snickers, a smirk on his face. His hawaïen shirt dancing with the wind and the rafts making beats by clattering against each other. "I didn't need your commentary, Yuta," you grunt, rubbing your hand harshly over your eyes.

The weather is shitty, your mood is shitty and the entire week has been shitty because a certain cretin by the name of Johnny decided he was going to be more annoying than Lee Taeyong to the point that you would rather his company over Johnny's. "This weather will be the end of my and rafting's relationship,"

"Don't tell me you're afraid," Taeyong chirps in beside you, his gorgeous grin swallowing his entire face and puncturing your lungs before you catch yourself and bite your tongue from cooing. "I accepted the match and I am not a quitter,"

"Whatever you want," Johnny shrugs, "Anyway, we need to leave before the C.D sees,"

You and Taeyong wear safety pads, turning the rafts over and taking each ore in your hands, Yuta behind yours and Johnny behind Taeyong's to push the two of you into the shaky waters when the counts stop. "First to go and come back from the other end wins!" Johnny raps, "three, two," Yuta pushes you slightly snd with the sound of one, you are dropped to the sea.

Gripping the ores tightly, you use all of your arm's strength to row you forward, eyeing Taeyong's swiftness from the side and the disturbed waves begin to get to you because you weren't a strong swimmer. Holding your breath and pushing forward, you row and row and row until suddenly, with a clang you bump against the little guiding light and your raft loses balance, your weight shifting to the side and you topple over.

Thankful for the pads, you shake your legs urgently to hold yourself up and Taeyong notices. Grunting, you struggle to swim to the other shore before he rafts beside you but he was there before you were even a mile away from your original falling spot.

"Hah, here to make fun of me?" you sneer, letting him pull you up from the waters and he smiles tightly, "Of course not, I think you did your best," he reassures you. However it only made you more infuriated and as you neared the other shore, you push yourself off the raft and Taeyong quietly shrieks, almost losing balance and a wave hits you as you laugh at him, choking your throat and you push your body to the shore.

Laying down with closed eyes, you regret giving into Johnny's obvious schemes. You knew Taeyong wasn't a weak rafter and yet, for the sake of winning something you said okay and even pushed the match to a week away to get some practice and yet. You bite your inner cheek and hold your breath, to calm your wavering heart.

"Oh god, did she swallow too much water?" you hear Taeyong's panicked voice and you flitter your eyes open, locking with him, his face nearing yours even though you were clearly alive and he kisses you softly, almost breathlessly, like a drizzle falling on at a time and watering down the walls of your heart, you push him away, springing up.

"What was t-that for!" you blush, stammering over your words and Taeyong's expression mirrors you, "W-why'd you kiss me, you bit—"

"I am sorry!" he cuts you off and moves away from your sight, Johnny's are you okay pulling your attention as he and Yuta (who had an abysmal smirk on) come by with a proper boat and Taeyong avoids your gaze for the rest of the day.

One thing you were positive about, he totally knew you didn't need CPR because he didn't even check your pulse.

"Admit it that you enjoyed it," Yuta said, wiggling his eyebrows and groaning, why did it have to happen in front of Yuta! 

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