chapter one

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Ok, i really hope you like it. tell me what you think. This will probably be a one shot. also, if you like stories about tony meeting leo read my other story on it. the other story is about tony finding out that leo is his long lost nephew. I'm telling you right now that that story is much better than this story by a lot. i think that the first part of this story is good and the last part isn't. anyways i hope you like it. by the way i appologise for any spelling mistakes because i am that story has nothing to do with this story. now, I know that you are probably tired with my ranting so on with the story! Happy reading!

Tony's POV

It was just another boring day at Stark Towers. That is, until the metal dragon bursted through the window. We were in the middle of another boring conference that just wasted yet another hour of my fabulous live. fury was going on and on about possible threats. Something about a kid that blew of the ST Louis arch at the age of 12. I really wasn't listening. The only reason i heard that part was because blowing up stuff is awesome.

"Stark, are you even listening to anything i'm saying?" Fury asked as his voice echoed around the conference room.

"Of course i'm listening. How dare you suggest otherwise?"

"Oh really." his eyes glittered with annoyance. I hate that look in his eye. It means he is up to something and usually I don't like it. "Well if you were listening so well than, why don't you do a recap of what was said in this meeting."

"Fine, we were talking about a 12 year old who blew up the ST Louis arch." I said with my arms crossed.

He rolled his eyes along with everyone else in the room,"Of course that's what you get out of this whole meeting. Do I even need to remind you of how important national security is." Cap's voice rang in my ear.

I was about to respond with one of my starkey comments when I noticed something silver fly by the window out of the corner of my eye. In a matter of seconds, it had run into the window smashing it to pieces. Everyone started to suit up. natosha got her guns out, client is bows, cap his shield, Thor raised his hammer, and Bruce was trying not to Hulk out on us. he was our last resort. I really didn't want to have my beautiful tower destroyed again. My suit wasn't in the room so I just had to wait until I got the perfect moment to have JARVIS send it to me.

When my vision cleared, my eyes rested on the most beautiful piece of machinery I have ever laid eyes on. Even though it was only about the size of a horse, it was scary. It was made of a silverish metal that seemed like it was glowing. It had wings with feathers on it that looked so realistic that if it were held next to a real feather, the real one would look like the fake. the mouth had sharp teeth that looked like it could snap my suit in half as if it were a toothpick. The ears was tall and pointy and were perked up as if it was listening for commands. The skin was made too look like scales and was carved beautifully. It was a dragon. The dragon started to move. Everyone had finally got out of their shock of seeing such a beast and raised their weapons. However, the dragon did not seem to think we were a threat and sat down. To our amazement, it started to lick his claws. It's claws were just a graceful yet frightening as the rest of it. its tongue looked like it was made out of a reddish rag. I just came to the conclusion that the dragon cleans its own metals by wiping it with it the rag thingy majigger.

"What the Hell is that thing, Stark!?" Fury yelled at me. That made the dragon glare at him and growl as if he knew that fury was talking about him.

"Why do you all of a sudden think that I did this?"

"you are the most technologically advanced person in the world. NO ONE else is capable of making such a creature." he replied furiously.

"Thanks for the compliment, but its not mine. I wish it was, but its not." i replied sadly. I really do wish that I had made the creature. I also wish that I knew what kind of metal it was made out of.

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