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•Michael's 3rd POV•
《Yes your wonderful nephew's POV》

How does one describe the cutest being to exist and their actions?
That even myself tries to figure out each day but here I am, given a mission from the Author to do so.

Michael _Beloved, and no I'm not fooling around, it is in fact the small child's surname, quite a befitting one, don't you think? Ah, where was I?
Michael was sitting in the flower field along with his sleeping parents.

He decided to try and make flower bracelets for the first time. It wasn't that difficult since the process was the exact same as creating flower crowns however the difficulty did rise a small bit since bracelets were smaller and needed more focus to create.

Even so, the small piglin had spent almost no effort to create a masterpiece.
Usually, for a zombie piglin, this wouldn't be possible however Michael was no ordinary piglin either.

From having the intelligence to rival a scientist with 30 years of experience to be able to speak and understand the English dialect.
Even ender dragons who were considered the wisest and oldest amongst all living creatures in this world would consider this child a genius as well as a miracle.

Y/N when they first met Michael was astonished, usually, Zombies of any sort wouldn't be able to speak due to the fact that their tongues were deformed, that was the main reason why they couldn't speak. Not to mention their brains who were partially destroyed or deformed that restricted them from being even close to intelligent.

Well, Michael had no such problem, in fact, he was even more intelligent than the average human adult. Everyone saw the boy as a miracle however those who have lived their lives studying or even living for thousands of years knew otherwise.

Zombie piglins were only husks created to carry the souls of sinners for all eternity. It was seen as a punishment amongst the people from back then.
If the husk was to die the soul would transfer to another husk, forever then stuck in hell or rather known as the nether. And during that eternity many had forgotten their origin as humans or other beings, due to the fact their intelligence was decreased.

Unfortunately for Michael, he committed some form of sin while he was still a living child, usually a piglin would remember why they were sent to hell in the first place however our little Michael had forgotten.

So now he was only a fragment of a child's soul who was trapped in the body of the undead.

But now he had the chance to live as an actual child, a free child in the overworld.

Oh, how I feel sorry yet happy for him.

Now instead of talking about his origins, how about we talk about his present?

Michael finished creating the bracelets exclusively for his dad and papa. Yet he felt disappointed, it looked the exact same as the flower crowns. Michael who craved attention from his parents thought he wouldn't get much praise from these measly bracelets. Even though in my opinion they look breathtaking.

So the young child decided to venture into the forest to find better materials to create at least decent-looking bracelets in his opinion.

Standing up and brushing the dust off his pants, Michael skipped into the forest with no care in the world. Even though he was more human-like than any other creature within the world of Minecraft he was still considered a monster so he knew nothing bad would happen to him.

Michael searched high and low for something decent but couldn't find anything that piqued his interest. There weren't many types of flowers within the forest after all.

Michael who was looking forward to finding something unique within the unknown forest felt disappointed and sighed. "No flowe's... No ting pretty"

{Michael's speech is on purpose since he only had himself to teach him words since Tubbo and Ranboo weren't home much to teach him and due to the fact he doesn't exactly know how to form proper sentences yet}

As Michael was almost going to give up his search and return to his parents, he noticed something glowing in the corner of his eye.

Michael was hesitant at first since he had been warned to not go near anything glowing since usually, that indicated that an endermen had just teleported to a new location. If Michael wasn't careful he could end up in an unfamiliar place with no way of returning to his home.

After thinking if it was a safe idea to investigate the glowing, Michael started making his way towards it. He also heard that the glowing particles were always purple and looked like a bunch of fireflies flying around.
Instead of that, it was a blue glow that came from one mass and not individual particles.

As Michael got closer his eyes shimmered at the sight. "Pwetty... Fowers." Were his exact words as he saw the strange yet compelling sight.

He picked a few and put them in a bundle. Michael didn't exactly feel things the same as others due to his rotten skin however by touching the flowers he felt an unknown feeling he hadn't felt but at the same time, a few things felt familiar.

Maybe because he spent much time with his Dad, Ranboo had he noticed that his Dad gave off a certain aura of some sort, he felt that familiar aura admitting from the flower as well as something else that felt familiar but couldn't pinpoint what.

Michael didn't spend much time thinking on the subject and sprinted towards where his parents were.

Maybe because no one told him that his Dad was an endermen had he failed to notice that flower had special properties that were similar to that of an endermen.

But unfortunately, he and his family would soon discover that fact in an unpleasant way.


Word count 980

Written on: 08 December 2021

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