~Desired Reality~

136 1 0


My clone will act like me and not tell anyone we have shifted

My clone will finish all my work for me


1 month in my DR = 1 hour in my OR

Safe phrase

"Time to be a basic bitch again"


I was born in Texas where I lived with my family and 2 dogs. I did my main education there and I met Nick(sapnap) in middle school and we have stayed friends since then. I started Twitch & YouTube in 2018 with the help of Dream and Sapnap. 

Shifting specifics

I will not forget my safe phrase

When I leave my DR time stops

I will remember everything from my DR when i come back to my OR

I will know everything my clone did

When i shift my eyes will open automatically

I have a small pendant that shows me the time in my OR and my safe phrase

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2021 ⏰

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