Do you really think that I would let you go that easily?

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      Naruto walked into his room to apply for a job. Naruto scrolled down on his computer until he found a news article it read, 'Sasuke Uchiha cheats on his 5 year boyfriend with his secretary' 

Naruto sighed. It had been almost 2 weeks since they broke up, and he wasn't getting over Sasuke at all. Naruto rummaged through his suitcases, but realized sometime. "Where is my wallet!?" Naruto screamed. He threw everything across the room, desperately trying to find his beloved froggy wallet. Naruto sighed in anger. "I must have left it at Sasuke's place..." Naruto concluded. Naruto dashed back to Sasukes house, and tiptoed to the door. Sasuke's car was there, but Naruto didn't care. To him, that wallet was one of his most treasured things. Naruto discarded his key to the house a while ago, but he knew Sasuke always kept a key under the door mat. 

      Sasuke was dozing off due to the effects of alcohol. Sasuke woke up to the sound of the door being unlocked. Sasuke jumped up, to see the one he very much wanted to see. Naruto was standing at the doorway. Sasuke jumped into his lovers arms, connecting their lips. 

    Naruto was shocked. The first thing he saw when he came back was a sleeping Sasuke and bottles of wine scattered everywhere. Naruto sighed, but the raven was awake. Naruto watched as the raven limped towards hi, and embraced him into a kiss. Naruto was shocked. He hadn't kissed Sasuke for almost 2 years. The embrace was unexpected and absurd. Naruto shoved Sasuke off him, and backed up angrily. "Baby, your back! Do you not want your things anymore? We can buy new ones, We can buy anything you desire-" Sasuke was cut off. "I'm not coming back, Mr. Uchiha. I'm just here because I left some of my things here." Naruto explained. Sasuke did not like this. His Naruto just confirmed that he was leaving forever. "Do you really think that after you showed your face to me again, I would let you go?" Sasuke asked devilishly. Naruto froze.  

    Naruto ran into the closet, and started throwing things everywhere. He had a lot of trouble before finally finding his froggy wallet. "Gama-chan!" Naruto squealed. Naruto rushed out of the room, but was stopped by Sasuke. Naruto Kicked Sasuke's shins, and Sasuke collapsed onto him. Naruto gasped, as he felt Sasuke's heavy body fall unconscious. Naruto quickly grabbed a phone and dialed the hospital. 

     The ambulance pulled into the driveway, and doctors and nurses poured out. Naruto stood helplessly as he watched Sasuke being dragged away. "Hey, your coming to the hospital with us. Get in," The nurse said. Naruto was shoved into the ambulance, and he watched in horror as he saw his ex-lover strapped onto a bed, with blood tubes and an oxygen mask attached to him. 

            Sasuke woke up to the sound of beeping. Sasuke woke up, with a heavy heart, and a burning headache. Sasuke sat up, and rubbed his head. A few doctors came in, and checked up on him. "Mr. Uchiha, it seems that you passed out due to lack of nutrients." The doctor explained. 

   "I'll sign the hospital forms," 

       "Well, what's your relation to Mr. Uchiha?"

   "I'm... His bestfriend." 

  "I'm sorry, sir, I'm afraid befriends can't sign the forms. Does he have any family close by?"

 "He has a brother, but he's in Bali. His parents are on vacation..." 

   Naruto was pissed. The hospital wouldn't let him sign the papers. "Well, I guess that he can sign his own forms. I'm leaving." Naruto informed. Naruto opened the door to see Sasuke awake. "Na-" Sasuke started. Naruto ran out of the room, and Sasuke ripped out his IV line, and dashed out to follow Naruto. "Naruto!" Sasuke called. Naruto turned around to see a very weakned Sasuke leaning on the wall for support. Sasuke stood there with open arms, and Naruto ran in his direction. Naruto passed Sasuke, and ran into the arms of a shadow behind him. Sasuke knew this scene. It was what he had dreamed on the airplane. Sasuke whipped his head around, to see Naruto in the arms of Hinata Hyuga. This made Sasuke's eyes drop and he fell to his knees, and onto the floor. The last thing he heard was doctors yelling. 

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