Chapter 2

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Camila’s POV

“Mila, come eat the food is getting cold” that’s when I jumped up from my seat. I realized I was thinking of Lauren again. It’s been a week, a week since Lauren kissed me. No matter how much I’m in denial I can’t stop thinking about her soft lips. The way I looked at her eyes, it was peaceful; I would kiss and look at her forever. What am I saying? She probably doesn’t even care about me. All she wanted was too kiss me and never see me again. I knew it was too good to be true. “I’m coming mama” I took a deep breath before I went down stairs and eat with my family.

“Mija, estas bien? You’re always the first one at the table” my mother asked me with a concern voice.

“Si, mama. I was just busy with homework I lost track of time.. WE HAVE PIZZA?!” that’s when I realized the boxes of pizzas on the table. Finally after stuffing my face with 4 slices of pizza I walked back upstairs hoping to finally start my homework and actually focus.

When I came back to my room, there she was standing next to my desk with a picture in her hand. “It’s about time; I was starting to get worried. Miss me babe?” She asked as she turned around with a smirk on her face.

She thinks she can just come in my room and call me babe? But I can’t hide the fact that I found it so cute coming from her, in that moment all I wanted to do is run up to her and kiss her, just kiss her. “Don’t call me babe!..What are you doing in my room Jauregui ?”  I took the picture she was looking at but in that same moment she grabbed my waist and pulled me close, then she kissed me. I was shock at first, I was very still but she didn’t let go. Her lips were firmly pressed against mine. It didn’t take me too much time to kiss her back.

Her lips were like heaven. As we deepened the kiss I wrapped by hands around her neck and pulled her closer if that was possible.I kissed her with the same passion as she kissed me. I knew that the kiss became a bit heated too quickly, we’ve been kissing too long because her tongue started brushing against my bottom lip as if she was asking for permission. I wasn’t ready, not yet. It’s only been my second kiss with a girl who isn’t even mine. So I pulled away. We smiled at each other for a while staring into each other’s eyes. “I’ve missed you, I’m sorry I took too long to see you” she kissed my forehead and held me tight as she could. Almost as if she was afraid I would leave.

I frowned and pulled away and sat on my bed. I played with the fingers in my lap. “Camz?” I hear her say before I look up to meet her beautiful gorgeous eyes.

“Laur, we can’t keep doing this. We can’t just randomly keep kissing each other whenever you want. I’m not that kind of girl.. Why do you even come anyways? Wouldn’t you rather want all those other girls and guys who chase after you on a daily bases?” I tried sounding so confident but clearly I wasn’t doing a very good job at it.

She sat next to me and intertwined our fingers together. Nothing felt more right than her hand in mine. She started to rub her thumb on my hand to show some type of comfort. “Camz, I don’t want them, any of them.. Wait… hold on” Lauren quickly got up and climbed out the window. What the heck is going on? Is she leaving?

I followed her and looked out the window to see what she was doing. I saw her cut a rose from my mother’s garden. Soon enough she climbs back up my window with a red rose in her hand. I just looked at her confused “Laur what you doing?”

She got closer and kisses me on the cheek “Courting you silly. I want you to know I’m here and I’m willing to try as long as you let me. I know this roses isn’t as beautiful as you.. but it’s the best I can do on a short notice” she smiled and handing me the rose. As she got closer he smile grew wider. I melted a little inside just looking at her smile. Who knew she was such a romantic? She got so close leaving hardly any space in between.

“Camz, will you go on a date with me Friday night?” I raised my eyebrow, she wasn’t serious. I started wondering what her intentions were because she’s known to sleep around, maybe not a lot, but enough. I think she noticed my inter conflict. “haha no camz, its not like that I Promise. I wouldn’t ever to anything you aren’t comfortable of.”

I couldn’t even speak. When I looked at her eyes my heart skipped a beat. She was sincere. All I could do is nod with a huge smile on my face. I held her close and kissed her. In that moment words weren’t necessary. She knew exactly what I meant.


On Friday I woke up happier than ever, I couldn’t believe I had a date with Lauren Jauregui today. School was passing by very slow. All I kept thinking about was my date and how I needed to get home and get ready if I want to look my best.

Once I got home I ran upstairs to gather my clothes. Once I picked my outfit and laid it on the bed I grabbed a towel to shower. Right before I turned on the water my phone rang. “Hey Dinah, what’s up?”

“Whats up?! Mila, you were extremely anxious today, you hardly even talk to anyone today and not to mention you left school faster then I seen you eat pizza… So Spill” I could hear the concern in her voice. I can’t believe I was that predictable.

“Dang it’s that obvious huh?.. well uhm.. I have a date, tonight” I smile still not believing this was all happening.

“Girl stop playing, seriously tell me what’s up” but then when I didn’t answer, she believed me. “With Who!?”

“uhm.. .. with.. well Lauren.. Jauregui” I tried saying as gentle as I can.

Immediately Dinah freaked, I couldn’t tell whether it was good or bad. Dinah knew I always had a thing for Lauren. “Why didn’t you tell me? When did this happen?.. Mila, I know you like her and everything but, I don’t know about this, I don’t want you getting hurt girl, you know what we hear at school”

I understood where she came from, but I couldn’t help myself, I felt like I was drawn to Lauren. “At first that’s what I thought too when she kissed me -”   

“You guys kissed!?” she interrupted me.

“Dinah Please..” she allowed me to continue, so I did. “I thought she was all those things people said but it’s actually not like that, she’s different around me.. She gave me a rose and property asked me out, she never does that and you know it” I sighed before continuing “You know me better than anyone, I promise to be careful. Please just let me see how it goes. I really like her”

If it was possible I think I heard her thinking, having an internal battle in her head before she finally broke the silence. “Alright, okay. Send me a message if you want me to bail you out of the date. Take care and I want to know everything Monday.”

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