Chapter 13

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Warning: Smut

Camila POV

Three months is all the time we have until our love is certain. Lauren and I always avoid the conversation. We don't talk about our last days together instead we try to embrace ever moment we have together no matter what we did. It seriously seemed like we couldn't get our hands off each other. We were stuck together like gum on a shoe. Where ever she went I went and vice versa. Where ever we got the chance we would share long heated kisses. We got cuter and much more affectionate then before if that was even possible. Normani and Dinah seemed to be annoyed by it actually it. I didn't care I was complete and totally in love. However until this day we still haven't made love to each other.

I noticed Lauren got better, even her mom mentioned it to me. She is eating and always happy again. Maybe getting back together was the best thing not only for the both of us but for everyone including my baby sister.

Today was one of those days Lauren and I went to the park to have a picnic. I was so excited because Lauren cooked for me.

We were walking around the park hand in hand looking for a place to eat, preferably somewhere in the shade. I wasn't in any rush; the park was the best in the city. It's not too loud and people come to run and there is a cute lake with ducks.

We found a tree near the lake where we can see how the ducks fly in and swim on this beautiful day. We set up our blanket by the tree and start to take out the food.

"Hey Laur, can we feed the ducks after please" I ask as I finish emptying our picnic basket.

"Yeah, I was thinking we-"

"Lauren, Lauren Jauregui?" A person interrupted her and asked. "It's me, Erica"

"Erica! Wow I haven't seen you in forever! How are you what you doing here?" Lauren seems more excited than usual. Maybe it's an old friend?

"I came here to visit, I moved a couple times and now I live in Rancho a couple hours from here." The blond answered with just as much excitement as Lauren.

"I'm actually moving to Rancho in less than a month, I'm going to attend Rancho Verde actually." Lauren answered.

"Wait! I go there! I can show you around, you'll love it. Plus we need someone like you to run the school. Right class president." The pretty blond gave back and now she was touching Lauren arm.

What is going on? I'm standing here like I don't even exist. Why is this Erica person giving MY Lauren ideas.

"Are you serious finally I have something to look forward to, this is so exciting! We are going to have so much and the events we will have in school-" Lauren stops talking when I think she noticed how I felt about the situation. "Oh, Erica this is my wonderful girlfriend Camila. Camila this is Erica, an old friend"

"Hi" I didn't shake her hand. "I'll be right back I think they were selling ice cream over there. Nice to meet you" I walked away before Lauren could stop me. I got a snow cone and when I came back Lauren was alone.

"Babe, what was all that about?" Lauren asked as she grabbed my hand.

"What you mean? I just wanted a snow cone" I pulled away and sat down in our blanket.

"Camz, were you jealous? It was just a friend. I'm sorry I didn't introduce you before." She sat next to me.

"Jealous of what, I'm happy you're excited to move. You'll make a great class president I know." I looked down and tried holding back my tears.

"Camzi, baby. I'm not excited to move. I want to be here more than anything with you. You know that." She paused to wipe the tear that fell on my cheek. "It was just nice to know there is some good in all this."

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