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For the next two days, you spent time with your brother, he took you shopping and you went to restaurants, but now it was, unfortunately, time for you to leave again. 

Your brother wraps you up in a big hug outside of Camie's house, you were going to get ready for the party with her, go out, then stay the night at hers and leave the next morning to return to U.A for the start of the new term. 

Keigo releases you reluctantly and you say goodbye, kissing his forehead and ruffling his hair before walking up the path to Camie's front door. 

You raise your hand to knock, but before you can even begin to lower it the door flings open and you spy the beautiful girl with muddy blonde hair and dark brown eyes standing in the doorway, almost in tears. 

You laugh as she yanks you into a bear hug, squishing you until you can't breathe. 

Tears brim in your eyes and sniff, Camie laughs and releases you, holding you at arms length, then grabbing your wrist and tugging you after her into the house. 

She pulls you up the stairs to her room and shoves you inside, giggling when you trip and fall face first onto her bed. 

You sigh and push yourself to your feet and there's a moment of utter silence while you two look each other dead in the eyes and don't move an inch.

"Camie! Was that Y/n by any chance!?" You hear Camie's mum call from the bottom of the stairs, you try to suppress the growing smile and remain serious, but within seconds the two of you burst out into a fit of laughter, you collapse on Camie's bed while she falls to her knees, gasping for breath.

Later that night, at seven-thirty-seven pm to be exact, precisely seven minutes after you were supposed to leave, thanks to Camie and her stupid 'oh no I messed up my makeup!'

When you finally walk out the door, Camie takes your arm in hers and the two of you skip down the street towards the house that would be hosting for the evening. 

Camie knocks on the door and the two of you stand back, waiting for the door to swing open. When it does, a certain Shishikura Seiji stands before it, completely unphased.

"Hey; come in quickly, I'll close the door if you don't hurry up." He says blankly. You deadpan at him.

"I think you mean; 'it's nice to see you again Y/n, you look stunning as ever. I've missed you.'" You announce, he cracks a smile and you step in for a hug.

"Sure, whatever you say Y/n-chan." He replies and smirks back at you as he walks away again. You laugh lightly, seeing nothing has changed.

"Come on! We have to go find the others!! Inasa-san will be so happy to see you again!!" Camie exclaims, dragging you through the crowd to find Yoarashi Inasa, your old classmate. 

You and Yoarashi-san were good friends before you had transferred, you had sat next to him in all of your classes, and always paired with him in training. 

Of course, you still knew all the other Shiketsu first years, but Yoarashi-san was definitely your favourite.

"Yoarashi-san!! Look who I've brought!!!" Camie exclaims loudly as she bursts into the room he's standing in. The raven haired male's head shot up, then a grin spread across his face.

"Y/n!!!" His voice boomed excitedly. 

If Camie hadn't already attracted everyone in the rooms' attention, Yoarashi certainly had. 

You giggle as he bounds over and wraps you in a tight hug, lifting you off the ground and twirling you around before putting you down again (don't tell me he wouldn't tho)

Your giggle turns into a laugh and you shove him away playfully, he laughs too.

"Y/n-san, long time no see." You hear another familiar voice announce as it's owner walks up behind you. You turn, smiling, as you recognise who it belongs to. 

You're greeted by the welcoming sight of Nagamasa Mora, someone who you had grown to think of as a parental figure in the short time you'd known him.

"Masa-senpai! I missed you!!" You hastily hug him, feeling warm and protected by his soft fur. 

After a second, you step apart again. 

You look to Camie, who's waiting for you to finish greeting your old friends and she grins before pulling you away again. You wave a hurried goodbye as you get yanked through the crowd again. 

The two laugh and watch you go, unsurprised by Camie's behaviour.

Ok- I've been trying to write this chapter for the last day but it just isn't working for me, sorry and i hope you enjoyed whatever this chapter was-

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