𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙋𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝘾𝙖𝙡𝙡

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(So far only mentions of glass shattering/ abuse mention, also this is the past, not the present) 

Quackity POV

I sat there, Sitting in the corner of my bedroom holding my hand where he slapped me, Where a red mark was left from hitting me so hard. I hear him yelling at my mother, I didn't want to see so I ran into my bedroom after he hit me. 

Glass shatters, my mother screams while my father was yelling at her, I cover my ears with my hands only to hear everything but more muffled. 

Tears start rolling down my cheeks with my right cheek still burning from his slap. 

I look around the bedroom still holding my hands by my ears looking for my phone. I find it sitting on my desk.

I quietly get up trying not to make any noise and go over to get my phone then sitting back in the corner.

"Who was i going to call?"  I thought. 

That's when it came to me. "The only person I can call"

I starts clicking buttons on my phone, my tears making it difficult and blurry to see, but i was able to make out Wilbur's phone number and put it up to my ear.

I listen to the ring, praying that he'd pick up. please pick up, please pick up..

That's when he hears the ringing stop, to hear the man on the other side calmly talking "Hello?"

I almost immediately answer quietly "Hello?!"  

"Hey you called me?" He said over the phone, sounding a bit worried 

I answer him and told him everything And he only responds with "Meet me down the street at that stop sign"

I know what stop sign he was talking about, the one down the street obviously  That's where we'd usually meet as kids with all the other children on the block and play tag, We didn't live at a busy place. It was pretty quiet.. Just not in my house.

I get my things ready and open my back window that when I look in back of me to hear something medal falling off my desk. 

I panic..

I already heard him coming towards my bedroom door as my mother yelling for him to leave me alone. I jump out the window and shut it quickly, then only to hear muffled yelling and my name muffled.. I was in shit when I got home.


I started walking a bit ago, but that's when I saw him right under the streetlight.  The tall brit, Dirty brown hair, and muscular, with a coat on and yellow sweater. 

I walk up to him and he already started to ask me questions but then he grabs me by my chin and examines red on my cheek.

I sigh and pull away "Its fine Wil- Its just from my father-"  

"You know he doesn't even deserve the title 'father' for the stupid shit he does" Wilbur says to me, I freeze in place not knowing to say. 

He puts his hand on my shoulder "Its okay to cry Quackity-.." That was it. I started sobbing terribly into his chest holding onto him as he just hugged back rubbing my back. whispering calming things. 

He really made me finally feel.. Loved-? 

From that point on we made a agreement; To always call if something was to happen..

---Present Day---

I wake up looking up at my ceiling.. 'looks like theres no yelling this morning-..' I think to myself, sitting up in my bed and putting my hand on my head where he hit me with his bottle, then feeling the bandages Wilbur put on, which made me smiles a bit. 

Then get out of bed and stretch out then going over to my closet putting on my sweatpants with a T-shirt. Then brushing out my messy black hair and putting on my casual LAFD hat. 

I look through the crack in my door to see nothing happening, so I walk out into the living room. 

On the couch was my mother passed out it seemed..  Then I walk over to the spot where the incident happened last night to see the glass on the ground.

The broom was over in the corner, I go over and get it then cleaning it up then throwing it out.

I look over to our calendar hung up on the wall "shit!" I yell under my breath then running over to my bedroom to get dressed "I had work today!"   I repeat that in my head many times before I finally was ready and heading out the door grabbing the keys off the wall and going outside to the car.

"of course it was fucking snowing"   I  quickly wipe off the window then getting in and driving down to work.


Mr.Eric; My boss,  immediately comes up to me when I come in "Where in hell have you been boy! We have customers waiting!" 

"I apologize sir! I won't be late again!" He looks at me with the look of  Do you think i'm dumb?

"You said that last time!" He snaps at me as I flinch  "You want this job or not?!" I quickly nod my head too scared to say anything

"Then you better get your ass working-" He walks away into his office as I scurry over to the back putting all of my things down  then going out to the cash register greeting the first person that came. 


After hours of working I see someone I recognize.   "Hey Wil!" I smile to see him

He smiles and comes over to me "Hey Quackity! Didn't think you were working today!" I laugh a  bit "I also thought so-" We both laugh 

"Well do you need a ride home?"  He offers 

I sigh "I'm working till midnight tonight-.." He frowns a bit 

"Well I could pick you up then-!" I smile and nod "Okay- See you then!"   He leaves as my friend Sapnap comes up from behind me 

"Ooo- Lover boy is giving you a ride-!" I nudge him in the side and laugh "Shut up-" 

"Tell me i'm lying-" Sapnap laughs while I shake my head "Whatever-"  

Sapnap laughs.


I see a car pull up in front of the store, it was Wil. I yawn and grab my things from the back. Sapnap was also in back sitting down. 

He says to me "Have fun with loverboy" He laughs as I roll my eyes and leave, waving to him.

(Thanks for reading the first chapter! Uhm- Yeahhh!!)

Word count:  1099


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