How much longer?

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Prompt-  “How much pain do you have to go through before giving up is okay?”
Protagonist(s)- Atsushi
Warnings- Major Character death, gun shots, blood.

Atsushi was tired. He was tired of the nightmares, he was tired of the Headmaster watching him even after he was dead. He was tired of building his self worth on how much he sacrificed for others. He was tired.
The day had been like many others had consisted of paperwork and more paperwork.

He had been given a mission to complete a simple one really investigate some dealings in some alleyway.
Dazai had blessed him with his presence saying 'it was sooo stuffy in the office he just couldn't bare it anymore! Who would want to commit suicide with a sweaty man?'
The alley was damp and moist which while not unusual for an alley always seemed to put him on edge. It reminded him too much of the orphanage that cell he had suffered so long in.
It was empty and quiet something that was never a definite good or bad.
On one hand it was empty which meant they wouldn't have to fight and they could drop their guard. On the other hand it might not be empty and you would much rather know something is about to happen than get surprised by it.
But unfortunately in their situation it was the latter. They were only a few steps in when the bullets came. At first they aimed at Dazai but he had moved to shelter quicker than they could aim.
Atsushi had not been so lucky. Dazai quickly subdued them once they had shot all their bullets. "Well Atsushi, It was such an easy job we could stop for food somewhere and still be on time! What do you say?"
Dazai will never forgot the sight he saw that day. His subordinate lying there with blood pouring from his chest. All he could do is run up to him he couldn't even touch him.
"Dazai, I'm sorry." His words were weak and were starting to blend together.

"Atsushi your gonna be okay! Byakko will heal the injuries!"

"Dazai you know that's not true. Byakko and I are tired." This time his words were firm and Dazai knew he was right.

"ATSUSHI YOU CAN'T DO THIS! I'LL CALL YOSANO SHE CAN HELP." He was almost shouting the words. He had lost three friends already one succumbed to death, one betrayed him, one he left and now he was about to lose another.

"Dazai I have a question." He was barely holding on and Dazai could see that he could feel the tears falling down his cheek it had been a while since he cried.

"How much pain do you have to go through before giving up is okay?"

Those were the last words spoken by Atsushi Nakijima. Words that are engraved on his headstone for the world to read. Maybe then they'll understand why he was so tired.

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