349 days

71 3 8

Alex's real name is Alexandria she also is a mechanic and has graduated from college with a degree in chemistry and another one in physics. And Olivia is Alex's older sister

Alex woke to the sound of rustling fabric as Olivia rolled to her other side not even stirring when she hit her hand against the cold metal of there make shift home. Alex pulled her legs out of her sleeping bag standing up from her makeshift bed. Stretching her arms above her head (don't we all love that real good stretch first thing in the morning). Then she grabbed her paint splattered jeans (don't ask me why I just think they look cool.) and her shirt.
She laced her boots and grabbed her heavy gloves and stuffed them into her back pocket. She walked outside shivering a bit from the cold air of the morning hit her skin. She looked up the hill to the Jupiter and seen the one and only will Robinson he was staring at something that she couldn't see from where she was standing. She trudged up the hill and stood behind him wrapping her arms around his waist; he jumped slightly from being startled. "Are you ok?" She asked still trying to see what in world he was staring at. "Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." He said turning around engulfing me inside of a hug. "You sure? I'm  here if you need to talk." Alex said lifting her head from his shoulder. "I know. I'm just thinking about how much longer it's going to take to get this Jupiter up and running." He said looking at her sapphire eyes. "Ok. So how much longer do you think repairs itself are going to take?" She asked, as much as she was grateful for the time she had here with will she wanted to get off this god forsaken planet. "Between the both of us around two hours; but that's just repairs I have no clue how much longer it'll take to get the rest of the titanium." He said running his hand through his short hair. "Well we should see how many repairs we can make with what we got now and then we'll have a rough  estimate on how much more we'll need." Alex said while  pushing a strand of her honey colored hair out of her eyes. "Sure, we could do that." Will said. As the dawn turned into morning children excited there makeshift homes ready to start another day. Most people working three hour shifts for finding titanium. The rest help with the fields the corn in specific as the growth rate is up by three percent. As people trudged up the hill Alex and Will stood at the top ready to tell the others that their shift is canceled for the day. As you can tell they weren't all that disappointed about it. They entered the Jupiter and got to work on as many small repairs they could possibly get done. Morning quickly became afternoon. They made as many repairs as they could double checking making sure it was secured. "Alright are you done?" Will shouted from the other side of the room. "Yeah." She shouted back. Alex climbed down off of the railing that she was standing on to reach the panel and reconnected the wires for a moment to make sure everything is working how it's supposed to. "You know you could've just asked if I could spot you on the ladder." Will said. "Yeah but then this would've took longer. She said pulling off her heavy leather gloves. They had 20 more repairs to do, and at least 7 of those repairs are bigger. So they would need about 1,000 lbs of titanium still. Will looked up from the paper they were staring at and looked at her face cracking a smile "what?" Alex asked suddenly aware that he was staring at her. "You're beautiful and I'm lucky." He said grabbing her hand. "Debatable." She scoffed. "Hey don't insult my girlfriend." He said glaring at her. "I'm not I just think she's the lucky one." She said giggling. "Debatable." He said back to her. "Hey if I can't insult your girlfriend then you can't insult my boyfriend." She said crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Fair enough." He laughed kissing her lips and wrapping his arms around her. They were both so caught up in the moment they didn't notice smith walking in. "Ehhm." She said ending the moment. Both of them became incredibly annoyed. "What do you want?" Alex said annoyed. "Well I was going to ask what the hold up was. But now I see why there's such a delay." Smith said snidely. "Ohh. So sorry for the hold up you'll be in a jail cell soon enough." Will said rolling his eyes and turning his back to the table. "You two should be thanking me." She said said raising her voice. "What for? Sneaking on to the ship when you knew only children and teenagers should be on there? Or how about the amount of oxygen you took up?" Alex said crossing her arms. "No! I didn't have to help!" Smith exclaimed. "Comme apprendre le français est difficile." Alex said. "Impressive you know one language." Smith said unimpressed. "En realidad conozco tres, Sé español. Und Deutsch. And add English as my first language." Alex said enjoying the look on Smiths face.
(Like learning French is that hard)
( actually I know three, I know Spanish (Spain). And German.) smith stood shocked at the thirteen year old girl. "I'll admit that was impressive." Smith said under her breath. As Will and Alex stood with smirks glued to their faces. "Anything else?" Will ask slinging his arm around Alex's shoulders. Smith turned on her heel and left without a word. "She was right about one thing." Will said. "Ohh really what was it." Alex said intrigued. "That was really impressive. I knew that you know French. But German and Spanish, that's news to me." Will said laughing. "Well maybe I'll teach you some day." She said wrapping her arms around his waist. "You know I might just have to put that in my schedule." Will said looking down at her as she stood up on her toes pulling him down a bit to kiss him as their lips made contact again Penny and Olivia walked. "ALEXANDRIA MARIE PARKER.!" (I searched and could not find if Will had a middle name or not so we are making one up.) "WILLIAM LEVI (idk we are just going with it) ROBINSON!" Penny and Olivia yelled they weren't mad but shocked. "Since when?"penny said. "I knew you two were serious but not that serious." Olivia said. "Wait you knew ?!" Penny said turning to Olivia. "You didn't ?!" Olivia said the two of them started bickering over it. "If we leave very quietly they won't even notice we are gone." Alex whispered. Will took her hand and they walked out slowly being silent once they were far enough a way they started to sprint out of the Jupiter. Both laughing knowing that their sister didn't even notice they were gone. "Is it just me or is it every time we kiss someone walks in." Alex said after they got to wills camp. "I don't know want to test the theory?" Will said. "Yeah for experimental purposes." Alex said. Siting down on his bed next to him. As he placed a kiss onto her lips they stayed like that for a a minute pulling apart for air. "Results?" Alex said as Will laid  down pulling her down with him. "Inconclusive. We might have to run a few more tests. Sometime."he said pulling her closer. They laid and cuddled the whole afternoon both of them falling asleep together around five. "I'm telling you this is where they're at." Penny said walking in and stoping dead in her tracks causing Olivia to run into her. "Look." Penny whispered smiling uncontrollably. "Aww. Who gave them the right to be so sweet." Olivia whispered back. "I'm going to go get Judy she'd kill me if I didn't show her this." Penny whispered leaving the room while Olivia snapped a picture of the two. "Why do I have to be quiet and why do I have to see this?" Judy whispered. As they walked in "Aww." She said as she grabbed a blanket and threw it on them. "Exactly what's I thought." Olivia said. As they left wills camp"Wait omg we could be in laws one day." Penny said grabbing her best friends hands. "So are we going to start planning the wedding now or in a few years?" Olivia asked. "What? Wedding they are thirteen years old!" Judy said surprised at the two. "They'll thank us one day." Olivia said as the two ran off talking about Will and Alex.
Wow 1,486 words. Well I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter I know I established a relationship in the first chapter but I'm extremely impatient. So if you want a slow burn I recommend not reading this. Ok that's all hope you are all having a nice morning/afternoon/evening. Also I would like to say my account is and lbgtq+ safe space so if you are homophobic or transphobic please leave my page. All right that is all.

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