Heart breaker

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The love was fake but the pain was real

Dr. Pramod Chautala a high class doctor. He achieved great success at a really young age. He's just 27 and working with people who are 35 or above on projects. That's the talent he has that beats experience of people.

They only problem with him working with such experience and aged people was either they were married or in a long term relationship. He hated relationships. He's never been in one but his eyes were enough to see the destruction and pain caused by love and marriage. He hated his colleagues taking about love, families.. he felt left out. The best group he could find who didn't talk about love were a group of playboys. He's living a double life. He has to pretend to be a total gentalman in his office while the opposite with his friends. The real Pramod Chautala? Nobody knows him. 

Getting too exhausted by work he starts to even distance himself from his group. To be honest he never liked them. They weren't loyal to him. The only good friend he had isn't talking to him. And Pramod is just too angry at him to solve his issue
But today while leaving he decides to take a walk home. But oh no.. his group sees him and invites him into the bar. Saying it's been long since they had a drink together.

Pramod has started to hate them after an incident. Once he revealed he was a virgin all his friends started to tease him. He got so frustrated that he took a girl to a room about the bar gave her chloroform and made her sleep for 2 hours while his friends were thinking he's playing with that girl he was  Playing some game on his phone
After that his friends stopped teasing him because no one knew what he actually did.
It's not like he never kissed or made out with someone. He did it plenty times but just didn't feel like going to sex

He enters the bar and stands at the side with his group having a sip when he suddenly notices a pretty girl with big brown eyes looking at him and smiling
Those eyes were really a piece made in heaven.... She was a beauty. He found himself starting at her too
But she suddenly turned back. He started to drink again but to late 

one of his friends pushed him to go to her and talk cause they think she's interested. One of them says that Pramod is going to be a lucky man tonight. This irritates Pramod but having no option left he goes to that girl
She suddenly turns around and gets startled
Pramod didn't mean to scare her
P: I'm really sorry I didn't mean to.
Girl: it's okay I wasn't paying attention

Pramod thinks ofcourse she wasn't cause she might have been busy in his thoughts
It's not like this was the first girl staring at him. There have been tons of girls proposing him some cause of his looks some cause of his money but she was different..she had a different vibe and confidence so he smirks and says
P: yeah... I saw you starting at me... That was a pretty bold move

Second chapter is here from Pramod's point of view
I'm sorry for leaving you hanging at this thing again ;)
It's surely going to get intresting now that they met.

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Untill next time ❤️

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