A New Dicer In The Game

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After the whole incident with X and Dongtae with all the Dice. The Dice created Six Deity to hold the Dice and give them quest. Mana is the one who holds the number one. Hikaru is the one who hold the number two. Ena is the one who hold the number three. Amida is the one who hold the number four. Tanaka is the one who hold the number five. Ezume hold the number six.

Ezume is the leader with Tanaka in second command. Right now they were having a meeting.

"It have been six months. It time to get a new Dicer", Ezume said getting as a holograph image, showing multiple pictures of people.

"How about Naruko Uzumaki?", Tanaka asked as she pull up a picture of a beatiful blond.

"The jinchuriki of the Nine Tails of the Hidden Leaf?", Amida asked.

"Her parents were Minato Namikaze, the Yellow Flash and the Fourth Hokage, and Kushina Uzumaki the last jinchuriki, right?", Mana asked as she pull up Naruko bio.

"She is the Child of Prophecy, right. Isn't she suppose to united the world of ninja?", Ena asked looking ahead of her life..

"You want to give her more power?", Amida question.

"I'm more concern about having the dice in that world. It could be X and Dongtae all over again", Hikaru said.

"Tanaka and I have a lock on the dice. We are the only one to give permission use the dice. If someone doesn't have permisson, use it, the dice with became normal."

Mana, Hikaru, Ena, Amida nodded.

"Naruko Uzumaki approve of Dicer-ship", Amida said.

Ezume grab a blue dice and drop in a white glowing portal.
Eleven year old Naruko Uzumaki lean against her door to her apartment, as came back to home after failing to pass her test to be a Genin for the second. She went to grab a ramen cup, when she saw a blue dice on her counter. She pick it up.

"This wasn't here when I left this morning", she said, then it slip through her fingers and on the counter.

It landed on a six. The dice then turn red. The a message appeared.

Congratulations New Dicer. You have just earn Dicer-ship. Dicer-ship allow you to change physical appearance, health, physical performance. When you enchance your physical performance, be careful, if you enchance a part of your body too much, you could risk total damage to their body. You can also enchance you intellectual.

You are currently a B-rank Dicer. You will rank up to the more quests you complete. You will receive special dice when you receive a special quest.

Now begin the game New Dicer.

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