Another One Bites the Dust!

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She had a glint of fear in her eyes before she snapped out of it. She went for her dagger but I was ontop of her with an arrow notched in my bow before she could grab it.

"Sweet-Pea, calm down a sec, I um...if you keep me alive I can deactivate the sigil on AJ's arm!" She yelled in her moment of panic. Everyone froze but AJ and I.

"Who's AJ?" Mike asked. I hadn't even noticed him. I turned my head to see Mike covered in blood, sword by his side and gun on the ground. I glanced at AJ and he looked over to Mike.

"Me..." he looked at me. "Alice, don't trust her. Plus, I'm fine, I can deal with the shocks and burns." He assured me. But that just made my anger for the queen burn more. I pressed the arrow to her neck but froze when I felt a sharp burn ache in my side.

"Oh I'm sorry Sweet-Pea, did that hurt?" She dug the blade in further when she said hurt. The pain suddenly washed over me and I presed down on the arrow as I crumpled to the ground. The arrow went straight through the queens neck and her cries were muffled by the sound of her choking on her own blood. I layed there and held onto my side. We were the only living people in the room now and Mike and AJ rushed over to me.

"Alice!" AJ yelled. As he fell by my side.

"P-pull the da-ger out." I stammered. He looked at my side and grabbed the blade and jently pulled it out. My eyes went pitch black.

"Move." I warned. They both backed up and I shot up and looked at my side. No hole, no scar, no pain.

"What the he-" Mike began.

"I didn't know Alice could do that!" AJ yelled happily as the black faded and my eyes went back to their normal color. I gave him a sheepish smile.

"I didn't either until now." I smiled.

"Why do you keep calling her Alice?"Mike asked a little perplexed.

"Oh... um, does he not know your past?" AJ asked. I shrugged

"Kinda just met him like today so... no." I replied. AJ smiled and grabbed my arm then paused.

"It's gone." He said in awe. I stared at him. "The pain must've went away when you killed her." His smile grew and he kissed me. What felt like fireworks went off in my stomach and I felt like laughing.

"Ahem, should we uh, go get Lauren and Shane?" Mike asked breaking the tension. I laughed.

"Yeah, sorry." I replied laying my head on AJ's shoulder. AJ gave me an evil smile. He grabbed me and lifted me up bridal style and ran out the room. I laughed.

"AJ don't fall please! That'll be painful for both of us!" I laughed he smiled and paused on the stairs to kiss me.

Well wasn't that just awesome? Like seriously, the queen choked on her own blood and Skylar and AJ can be together with no pain :P I was asked for a happy ending and you got it for them, but don't worry, the story's not over! There's at least one more chapter. :P hope you liked that! I'm in class with nothing to do so... I'm not supposed to be on my phone XD but hey we're not doing anything! Bye my lovelies!

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