A New Friend

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Ghostbur was sitting by the water, strumming the strings of his guitar. He was sitting far enough away from the waves so they didn't hit him, yet close enough that he could feel the wet sand.

Ghostbur heard a bird call, then he heard a faint reply. He stopped playing, only to look into the sky, and upon seeing the two crows circling above him, he smiled.

All this peace reminded him of a place, a special place to him and to many. Ghostbur started playing the tune he had helped make, the song that had pioneered a nation. He played one chord, then the next, then he repeated the steps. He started singing the song he had come to know, the song whose words were never documented physically, only in the minds of those who it related to.

"I heard there was a special place, where men could go and emancipate, from the tyranny, and the cruelty, of their rulers. That place is real so you needn't fret..."


The ghost was stumbling around, unsure of where she was, unsure of who she was, unsure of her surroundings. Earlier she had seen three people gazing at her, three people who pointed and stared, but didn't help.

The sound of a guitar had stirred her thoughts, and so she followed the music. The ghost walked along the beach, and then the waves licked her feet. The ghost gasped in pain, then dashing backwards wildly, to escape the pain the ocean would bring. She looked down at her ankles, noticing that they were now blistered.

The ghost continued down the sandy beach, this time away from the waves. The sound of the guitar was getting louder, and now she could hear a male voice singing a tune she didn't know, yet one that seemed familiar somehow.

The massive black building had been to her left all this time, and the ghost rounded a corner, finding the source of the music. A lonely ghost in a yellow jumper was sitting down, a red beanine covering his slightly grey-brown fluffy hair. He was smiling as he sung, a song to which the ghost could now make out the words. "My L'manberg, My L'manberg...".

The ghost could make out his song lf sorrow, could make out the meaning, yet not fully. Thiswas the power of his music, the fact that it could be so sad, yet with no or little meaning to those who just heard it without context.

The yellow ghost stopped singing abruptly, and looked over to where she was standing. HE beckoned to her, and she came closer, sitting next to him. "Hello! You must be Atoria. You died earlier." Atoria? The name appealed to the female ghost, and she accepted it as her own.

"I think so, yes." Atoria said to the other ghost, who nodded happily. "I'm Ghostbur. You should have a ghost name too!" Atoria smiled at the excitement of Ghostbur. "What do you think?" Ghostbur frowned in thought, then his eyes widened. "Atori-spook! Like a ghost spooks people!" Atoria laughed, the name worked, but she would just stick with Atoria. "I'll just stay as Atoria. What was that you were singing earlier? The song about L'Manberg." Ghostbur smiled, a sad smile, telling Atoria that he was reminiscing about a past time. "A song about a great country." He said simply.

"Can you sing?" He asked her, shuffling in his seat to face Atoria. "I... Don't know." She replied truthfully. "Well, there's no harm in trying." Ghostbur said, digging around in his pocket, he pulled out a few folded pages of lyrics. "These are the lyrics to the song I was singing before, maybe you should try singing it with me, we can duet." Atoria opened the pages, scanning over the words. Yes, these words would work perfectly. "Let's try it." She said. Ghostbur's face lit up as he got into a playing position. "Ready?" He asked her, and the two started to make the melody.

Ghostbur sung the first verse and chorus, Atoria the second and the second chorus. But when they reached the third, they sung the harmony. Atoria sung high whilst Ghostbur sung low, the two making a melody to forever ring among the flowers, a beautiful melody that honoured the nation it was made for. And once they finished, they smiled.

"Do you want some blue?" Ghostbur asked Atoria, who looked puzzled. "What's blue?" She asked him, and Ghostbur launched into an explanation. "I have it inside of me, it's a transparent substance, that when you are sad, you put all your sadness into it, and it becomes blue!" He pulled out a glob of blue, and Atoria took it. It was relieving to run it into your fingers, to play with it.

Suddenly, Atoria felt something hit her head, and she ye;ped in pain. Looking up, Atoria and Ghostbur realized it was about to rain. Ghostbur grabbed his guitar and Atoria folded the lyric paper, and then Ghostbur took her hand. "We have to get to shelter!" He cried, and Atoria nodded.

They sprinted through the trees, rain now pouring down on them, Ghostbur leading the way. "Quickly Atoria!" he yelled, running ap a hill onto a wooden plank pathway. She followed him down the path, into a white building. They panted when they dashed inside, both covered in blisters from the rain. A ding sounded from Ghostbur's pocket, and he pulled out a device that Atoria vaguely recognised as a communicator. It was yellow and faded, plastered with stickers and a few bag-tags. "What does it say?" Atoria asked Ghostbur, who replied, "Just some people questioning who you are." Atoria had no communicator, so she didn't see the message. But Ghostbur did, and he tried not to convey any emotion as he read it in his head.

<Quackity> Where is Atoria? We need to know if they are a threat.

Word count: 981

Hi guys! I was thinking that I may start a mcyt angst book. I'll see how it goes, and I think I'll update it twice a week. Again, just an idea, would love to see yours for said book, then I have PLENTY of things to write about.


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