Chapter 30

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"You're such a tease"


3rd POV

The younger used his right hand to wipe at some salvia, that had been running down his lower lip. While trying to send the blonde beside him a, rather dirty look. But by the way the blonde only smirked at him, he became reasonably sure that he had expressed something much different.

Todoroki looked away, trying to escape the gaze that had been following his every move. But with no avail, since he could still feel the gaze at the back of his head.  "Hey" The older tried to get his attention, but the heterochromiatic male didnt deviate from his position.

"Hey" He tried again this time a bit louder, but to no avail. Bakugou tried to move closer to the other, but he only moved farther away while still keeping his gaze at the wall. "Hey, dont be like that" His voice were in low volume, or atleast for him. But the younger still didnt answer, if he did anything it were making an 'Hmpf' sound.

"Alright im sorry, happy now?" The younger only turned his head more, while rolling his eyes at the blondes statement. And eventhough the older couldnt see it, he still felt hurt when the younger didnt answer.

"Fine, what can i do to make it up to you?" The blonde tried to sound as passive as possible, but the slight hatred from apologizing still slept through his voice.

The two toned boy smirked to himself, before turning back around to look at the other. "Admit that you are a tease" His facial expression and the sound of his voice showed how confident he were in himself, by the small statement he had stated to the blonde. Bakugous eyes widened slightly, before going back to its normal composure.

"Fine. Im a-.." He tried to say what the younger wanted him to, but it was like his tongue began to tancle around itself. The younger just raised an eyebrow, showing the blond his confusion as to why he didnt finish his sentence.

"Are you having a problem, with saying it?" His hetechromiatic eyes stared at him, a bit of confidants and annoyance hidden behind his neutral expression. 

The blonde took a deep breath before trying again. "Im a tea..." He said the whole sentence, but his voice trailed of at the end, keeping the younger from hearing what he said. "What did you say?" The younger tried pushing, holding a hand beside his ear to show the older what he wanted.

"Fine!. Im a tease" The last part of the sentence became barely above a whisper, but not enough for the younger to not hear. He thought about making the older say it again, but kept the thought away when he saw the blondes embarrassed face.

Todoroki POV

'He's actually pretty cute like this'. I shook my head from side to side, clearing my thoughts. 'Am i  even aloved to call him cute?'I began to debat with my own thoughts, making all other sounds blocked out.

I kept debating with my own thoughts, until i felt somthing on my shoulder, making my thoughts clear up. Turning my head to the side, i were met with a pair of crimson red eyes staring right at me.

"What were you thinking about? You looked like someone pissed on your breakfast" His voice instantly made me calm, until i began to recall what he said. 'Did someone piss on my breakfast?'. "Huhh?" He tried again, though to begin with i didnt understand why, until i recalled the rest he asked.

"Uhmm, i were just... Can i ask you something?" I cursed myself for trailing of, instead of just getting it over with. "Yeah sure, thats what im here for" I sighed at that, atleast he know what to say. "Am i aloved to call you cute? And did someone piss on my breakfast?" I think i began speeding up a bit at the end, but other wise i think its good.

I looked at Bakugou, seeing how his face lit with confusion before it returned to its neutral behavior. "Ofcouse you are 'aloved' to call me cute, why wouldnt you be? And when i said someone pissed on your breakfast, i meant it like a saying not literally".

'Really? thats good'i smiled at him, before moving so i were sitting right across from him. I laid my head on his shoulder, while feeling his hand thread through my hair. The calming feeling that always seems to be when im around him, reallt is soothing.

I listened to his heartbeat, while we just sat in silence. Neither wanted to say anything, and i had it fine with that. My eyes closed, so the only thing i could see was darkness and the only thing i could hear was his heartbeat.

Or thats what i heared, until the calming atmosphere broke by the booming sound of Bakugous phone going off. I flinched slightly when the ringtone first broke through, but quickly returned to my normal composure.

He picked up the phone, while i looked at him trying to hear who were at the other end. Without luck. "Sure" "Yeah" "No". Where the only respondses the blonde came with, making it way more difficult for me to hear.

I watched him lay his phone down, before he turned to me. I raised an eyebrown, while waiting for him to say something. And when he didnt respond i chose to ask myself. "Who were at the phone?" He looked at me, a small smile creeping up his face "Just Mr. Aizawa". Now i were confused 'what did he want now?'. "What did he say?" I looked at Bakugou, seeing his face turn slightly to side, while looking like he were trying to recall every little detail.

"Something about, that you can stay at the dorms for as long as you please. And that i need to take care of you" I smiled at that, atleast they let me say where i want and not force me like 'Enji'.

"As long as its with you, i dont care where i am"


Word count 1,025

I dont know i should continue this story or begin with a new one, i just dont have any more ideas to this one. 

And i actually already have another story 'ready' it has two chapters ridden already, and ofcouse ill write more later. So what do you think?.

I would also like to know which ships you would prefer and which POV you like best. Right now im choosing between either using 3rd POV or someone from the stories POV. Please tell me what you liked best.

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