"Roses have thorns for a reason"
Happiness is a feeling that all have felt and all will feel. It's a part of life. And perhaps it might not be there all the time in the bodies of humans, but it will appear when it wants. Some might say that happiness is a form of magical property. Magic is a wild force that does what it wants, it has a will of its own and there is no telling what it might do next. Happiness is a feeling that one does not take lightly, it is something that those who have felt it cherish forever in their memories.
True happiness is not just happiness that comes and goes in waves. No, it will stay forever in the heart of mortals. A feeling that is just as wonderful as it is mysterious. Others have compared happiness, at least true happiness to the mysterious force of love. Who none can understand. Yet, perhaps one does not need to understand the force of love nor happiness to feel it within their bodies and allow it to travel through their veins and in their hearts. Perhaps it is a mysterious force or perhaps something else. And maybe none will be able to understand it to know it is there.
The night is bright. Not because the sun is in the sky, nor the moon for that matter. There is no light in the sky and yet the night is bright. Because of the happiness that is traveling through the town. This little village is welcoming a new life. It had taken a couple of hours of pain and suffering, and yet the new life is there. A baby girl has been born into the family and into the world. The happiness is so alive and bright that it lights up the night.
The baby girl was given a name, Josephine. Her healthy cries could be heard long distances as she entered the world. She did not go quietly and the village knew that she would be someone who would never give up. She is a fighter and just like her odd family, she would be the one that will never give up when she is backed up into a corner. Her future might not be told just yet, but her future is about to be revealed. With time it will. The happiness that her family feels running through them when she greets them is marcial and mysterious.
The world is somehow the strangest thing. And there are creatures and forces that mortal do not yet understand. They speak about it in myths and legends and yet never truly know the they live among other forces and creatures. Perhaps little do they know about it. For the world always has a plan. Sometimes it might not seem like it does, but it does have a plan. And when happiness is around like his one in the village, there needs to be something to balance it out. To keep the world alive and balanced.
Few might say it's unfair of the world to balance itself, yet they don't know the world is beyond their knowledge and magical forces are the only thing keeping it alive. That balance needs to happen to be able to keep the world from being damned. What none of them know is that the balance is about to destroy their lives forever. While the happiness is all around the village after the birth of baby Josephine, another dark shadow is not far from the village itself. Out on the field a shadowy creature walks the grassy field with dark intentions.
The Nature
Fantasy"I am not a Princess. I am a Queen" Asherah is the kind soul. Her beauty shines through inside her heart and on the outside. All the suitors in the village fight for her hand in marriage but always does she deny all of them. With a special connectio...