Chapter 3

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'Something in the way she moves attracts me like no other lover'

'Something in the way she moves attracts me like no other lover'

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Jude had only been a Hogwarts student for a day. That was all the time she needed to learn all about the infamous Marauders. 

First was the leader of the pack, James Potter: Quidditch obsessed, Beatles fan, in love with Lily Evans since first year, hater of Severus Snape, the others call him 'prongs'. 

Remus Lupin was the brains and common sense of the operation. He had slight anger issues, disappeared once a month- no one knew why, king of sass, and hated cats. They called him 'moony'. 

The smallest and youngest member of the group was Peter Pettigrew. He laughed at anything and worshiped the ground James walked on. He seemed a bit unsure of himself at times, but had a heart of gold. His code name: 'wormtail'. 

Then there was Sirius Black. Padfoot. She had been warned about him from her new roommate, Marlene McKinnon. Marlene had said she loved Sirius but he was- to quote her words, "a piece of toast in a toaster about to pop." He was full of wild ideas and zero impulse control. Marlene and Sirius dated back in fifth year before she came out as lesbian. He was from the Black family, one of the highest families in the chain of rich pureblood elitists but she swore up and down he didn't actually believe all of that nonsense. He was disowned by his family because of it and moved in with James's family. Still, there was a side to the boy that was sure to get Jude in plenty of trouble.

So why was her hand in his as he pulled her out of the common room past curfew? Why- on the first day of school- was she already letting him break a rule? It's not like she was the best behaved person but she most certainly wasn't a prankster like these boys. What if her and Eddie never sat where they did that morning? Would Sirius still go after her? Come to think of it, why was he going after her? 

All these questions, yet there she was, running up and down stairs and halls, shushing each other in between laughs and dodging the Slytherin head girl. The squeaks of Sirius's new school shoes opposed the taps from Jude's dainty, old ones. They arrived at a door off from the main halls. "Welcome to the mysterious place." He's teasing me again, she thought with a smile. He opened the door to a spiral staircase. His hand stayed in hers as he pulled her along. "You wanted to see the school grounds. This is the best place to do it." He rushed behind her and covered her eyes.

She laughed some more. "What are you doing?" She put her hands on his.

"Trust me, JJ," He whispered in her ear. Making sure she didn't trip, he guided her up the stairs.

"JJ? I have a nickname now?"

"Well, I can't call you Jones. That's what I call your brother." Moving closer to her face, he whispered, "And I might have overheard your brother call you that." He took a few more steps. "Just a little" He let go of her eyes.

As he let go, her fingers intertwined with his. Her eyes widened. It was the astronomy tower. Her face lit up as she walked forward, moving to the railing of the balcony. Sirius let her hands drift out of his, holding on until the last second. He watched as she took in the view in the starlight, her face bright in the light of the moon and the wind weaving around her hair. He got that feeling he always had when he listened to his records. The turn of his stomach as the music played and the itch scratched in his brain as he took in the lyrics. Except there was no noise, just her. Just a girl. 

She turned back to him, leaning on the rail. "You are just full of surprises, huh Black?"

He walked to her, standing only a couple inches away. The difference in their heights were more evident than ever. Sirius towered over Jude- not that he minded in the slightest. "And I've got plenty in store for the future." He let his voice trail off while staring into her eyes. He didn't notice before but now that he was this close he could see a scar across her nose, stretching onto her cheek, and the attempt to cover it in makeup. His hand met her skin as he softly drew his fingers along the line. Her face curled into his hand. He took a deep breath, desperately fighting the urge to kiss her. "Cat scratch?"

Her voice was soft. "Some blood supremacist from my past school. Nothing I couldn't handle."

His smile was genuine and uncontrollable, as was his anger towards the pure blood who gave her the scar. "I'm sure you did, but I wouldn't mind getting my own shot at the bastard." The statement was aggressive but his delivery was mesmerizing and gentle.

Her hand met his arm and he melted. She looked at his lips. "Let's just focus on the present...besides, it adds a fun little story to my life..."

"If it got you here...I guess I can live with it." He moved closer.

"Getting a little soft, are we? Eddie would be absolutely furious with-"

"How about we forget about your bloody brother for one minute and focus on the present?" He kept moving in.

"That sounds nice..." She felt his hand hold onto her waist. The other lifted her chin. "Go on then. Kiss me." She whispered to him, only a slight movement away from him.

Sirius tightened his grip on her waist. She knew what she wanted and she said it. No games. And, fuck, he liked that. The hand on her chin moved to the back of her head and he pulled her in, locking lips. They moved together, her left hand running through his hair and her right gripping the collar of his shirt. He matched her passion, smashing his lips onto hers, her back arching over the railing. He moved down her chin and to her neck. Jude pulled his hair and wrapped her arm around his neck.

Sirius kept kissing her while picking her up. He carried her to the stone bench and gently placed her down while roughly grabbing her hair. He placed one hand next to her head and the other holding her face. 

"Wait, stop." She blushed, a bit embarrassed. "I'm sorry."

Sirius sat up, helping her up in the process. "Don't be." His face had a soft smile but he couldn't help but think if he did something wrong.

Jude fixed her hair and looked at the ground. Her head spun. It's not that she didn't want him. He was great and crazy attractive but she couldn't get her mind off what Marlene told her. He does this with everyone. What if she was no different than any other person who he took up here? She wasn't going to let some rich boy with a god complex use her. 

But just look at him. She could see the doubt in his eyes. He was a sweet guy, she could tell. Make up your mind, Jude. The statement repeated in her head. Do you want this or not?

She turned to him. "I have to go. There's still a lot of unpacking to do." 

Sirius smiled. It was a sad smile but a smile none the less. "See you tomorrow, Jude."

Before leaving, she reached up and fixed his hair and tie. "Looking forward to it."

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