Chapter 16

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Something bad about to happen to me

Jude shook as the sound of her's and Sirius' footsteps echoed through the grim halls

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Jude shook as the sound of her's and Sirius' footsteps echoed through the grim halls. They were about to sit at a table with some of the wickedest people they knew. Jude was personally most scared of Sirius' cousin, Bellatrix. She was a twisted girl, her mind clouded in greed and power. As they approached the door to the dining room, she stared up in awe of the elegant and terrifying structure.

Sirius turned to her and squeezed her hand. "We have nothing to worry about." He didn't believe what he said but if he could get her to believe it, it didn't matter. "They won't love you but they won't hate you either. Just...let them live in your spell."

The doors swung open. Inside were the members of the Black family, seated at the table. They looked to the door and watched as Sirius led Jude to their seats. The tables was long and made of dark wood. Orion sat at one head and Walburga at the other. Sirius took his seat next to Regulus, Jude on the other side. No one said a word until everyone was seated.

Orion was the first to speak. "It's a pleasure to have you all join us for the next few days. We'll begin dinner once Miss Rosier joins us."

And as if that was her cue to enter, the doors once more swung open. In stormed a gorgeous girl, slightly taller than Jude. She had stunning long, black locks in layers. She wore a tight fitting black gown with a short train. Gold jewelry and accessories littered her like she was a treasure chest. Her cheeks were lightly blushed to accent the strong bones of her thin face. She was beautiful in every sense of the word.

Kreacher stood in the doorway to announce her. "Miss Stella Amour Rosier."

Jude watched as Stella glided through the room and to the table, listening to the click of her shoes against the tile. Stella watched her right back, a grin on her face as she took a seat across from Sirius. "Thank you for having me. I hope my early arrival didn't disrupt any plans."

Walburga smiled in delight. "Not at all, dear." She gestures to Regulus. "I'm sure you remember my son, Regulus."

Regulus nodded. "Lovely to see you."

"And you. I've heard a lot about you." Stella shrugged her head to Jude. "Is this you're friend?"

"Im sure you recognize my brother-" He almost continued before seeing Walburga's glare. "My guest, Sirius Black, and his partner, Marlene McKinnon, half blood."

Stella raised a brow. "Marlene McKinnon, you say? Hm."

Orion spoke. "Stella, Sirius is the one we discussed."

"Discussed?" Sirius attempted to speak but Walburga held up her hand to silence him.

"Hush, Sirius. Do not speak unless spoken to." Druella was quick to vocalize her sister-in-law's request.

Jude cringed. Seeing Sirius treated like this was the last thing she wanted. But he warned her about it. She knew it was bound to happen. Walburga didn't introduce him as her son or even let Regulus call him 'brother'. His own aunt told him he wasn't to speak. It pained her to think this is how he was treated growing up.

His father continued. "Sirius has disgraced us. By refusing the Dark Lord, he tainted our name."

Walburga interrupted. "But there is one last hope. To continue our family's pure blood status and marry into the ranks of the Death Eaters, he may once more have a place in this house."

Under the table, Jude clutched Sirius' hand.

"Mother-" Sirius then corrected himself. "Ma'am, I have no interest in marrying Miss Rosier." He turned to face Stella. "I'm sure you're lovely, but I happen to be in a relationship."

"Enough, Sirius!" Walburga raised her voice, commanding the boy to stop. "You will listen to your superiors and speak only when addressed. Do you understand?"

He nodded, holding tighter to Jude's hand.

Stella looked Sirius up and down. "He has grown into quite a fine young man." Then she turned to Orion. "I, however, remember him being a bit of a handful when we were young. And Evan has told me many things about his antics. He's trouble, sir." Then she looked at Jude. "In more ways then one."

"We can promise you," Orion looked at Bellatrix. "That will be taken care of."

Bellatrix released a wicked giggle.

Jude squeezed Sirius' hand, signaling a desperate wish to leave, but he shook his head. He began to trace letters on her palm, spelling out what he had to say. W-E-C-A-N-T. He continued until the phrase was complete. We can't go. Not now. Too risky. We'll get out soon. I promise.

And so she waited.

Druella added to the conversation. "You would make a fine pairing. It's entirely possible to tame Sirius. Miss McKinnon can step aside at any time, pending your decision."

Walburga spoke once more. "And I can assure you, once Sirius' status is repaired, he will collect the title of the Heir to the Black Family and gain the fortune. You will never have to work a day."

Sirius tapped his foot at his patience ran thin. As the elders of the Black clan continued speaking as if he were up for auction, he snapped. "Stop! That's enough!" He got to his feet, his chair tipping in the process.

Jude grabbed his wrist. "Sirius-"

He yanked his arm from her grip. "I am not some pet for you to buy and sell!"

Orion rose from his seat. "Sirius! Have some respect. Haven't you embarrassed this family enough?"

"Think about your brother," Walburga matched them and stood. "And your cousins. Is this the reputation you want their family to have in the future? Hm? How do you think this effects them?"

"This isn't about them!" Sirius threw his hands up. "This is about me! I don't want to be a prisoner to this family. I have a girlfriend and she's sitting right here."

"And she's a half blood!" Walburga began to pace. "She's dirty!"

"She isn't dirty! She's-"

"Think of the money, Sirius! And the power! We can be a family again. You can come back. Get your head on straight, boy. Stella is your future! Forget the girl and move on. She's nothing to what you can be! She's just a girl in a silly school relationship!"

"I love her!" The words just came out of his mouth. He couldn't stop it.

Everyone froze, including Jude. Did she hear him correctly? Did he say he loved her? Her heart sped up and her breath quickened. A smile rose, stretching across her face. He loved her.

Walburga had reach her breaking point. "That is it! You are dismissed. All of you." She whipped around to point at Sirius and Jude. "And I want the two of you out of my sight immediately. Go."

There was another moment of stillness until Jude stood. She pulled Sirius' arm and escorted him out the door. The other members followed, all going separate ways.

A/N: Hope you liked the last few chapters! Please let me know if you have any suggestions or requests. And don't forget to check out edits from the story on my tik tok!


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