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Abigail POV:
We sat in a dark room, me and Andre hungover as shit. "I really can't keep doing this shit..." I groaned "I'm fuckin'...15?I don't even know. Andre how old am I?" I asked before Reagan busted through the door and turned all the lights on. "Oh come on!" We all groaned in protest.

"Some of us have hangovers, all right!" Andre whined "Oh I'm sorry Andre." Reagan mocked "Is your molly comedown relevant to global security? And Abigail is a minor?! Why was she high!" She yelled "Cuz my life is fucking stressful." I mumble through the arms I buried my face in. She sighed and lectured us on taking this job seriously. "As you recall..." she started "The candidate that we backed in the last election won, but turned out to be too dumb to manipulate." She shows us a video of the current president falling and getting his head stuck in a railing. "Yikes..." I sighed "But thanks to my new invention the Deep State will finally have a president we can control." She bragged "Anyways...This is our biggest job yet, so get your shit together. That means so huffing Chem trails." She stares at Andre who was inhaling trails. "No drugging your siblings or getting high BECAUSE of your siblings." She looked at me violently inhaling a vape Andre made that will most likely kill me in 3-4 years. "No using drones to spy on your ex wife." She turned to Glenn "Hey you don't know what she capable of!" He tried to defend himself.

"And no taking selfies on the moon landing set." She glared at Gigi and Myc. She started bragging about how she would be the boss soon. We all whined in unison. "Reagan! I'd like to see you in my office." J.R popped up on the screen. "HAHA! Suck my DICK!" Reagan giggled. I rolled my bright pink eyes.

She left the room and I looked at Andre. We sat in silence. I slid him a vape and he scoffed "No." he said opening his jacket to revile a crap tons of drugs. "High quality." He laughed "Nice!"

12:45 pm
I laughed. "Thank god you're here. You raised the hotness level at this office by 30%." Gigi said to Brett "Gigi, PR and Media Manipulation." She introduced herself. "I invented selfies to trick the country into surveilling themselves. This is Glenn. He's half dolphin. As you can tell.." "And proud of it!" Glenn cut her off. "And this is Magic Myc. He's a mind reading mushroom."

"I'm Andre, head of Biochem." Andre said rubbing his nose "If you like drugs, I have the stuff that gave Ronald Reagan Alzheimer's!" He looked and me with a smile "And this is Abigail, she's my sister and she's head of trend and fashion management. And sometimes she works with me and Gigi." I kicked my feet off the table "Yeah, any trend that's ever been was my idea. Including the dangerous ones like cinnamon challenge, tide pod challenge and that time everyone wore flammable clothing." Brett nodded slowly before squinting and going back to normal "Wow! What a group! Or could I call you...the gang?" We all agreed it was a cute nickname.

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