The jerk

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I go sit down next to harry as fast and smoothly as I can but failed by tripping over his desk.
"Watch it,you bitch" harry he is such a jerk I thought to myself
Oh shit I was thinking out loud again
"I'm sorry" I mumbled
"Yes you will be sorry after your punishment" harry said
"Oh god" I whispered loud enough for only me to hear. I've had this stuff happen to me before at my old school and that's why I moved here to get a new start and not get bullied.but looks like my ideas have left the building.


I saw harry in the halls while I was getting my books to leave I quickly started shoving my books in my back so I could leave without being noticed and punished but that failed.i looked threw the corner of my eye and saw him heading towards my end of the hall i tried to ignore it and think he was seeing somebody and not me but I was thrown out of that thought by being smashed into the locker beside me
"Lets go and get your punishment over with,slut I've got stuff to do" he said and picked me up by my collar and threw me to the ground.i groaned in pain as he kicked my stomach and face.i put my hands up to my face to try and stop him from kicking my face anymore but he seemed to stop ad stare at something I looked at my hands then arms and noticed that my sleeves were rolled up and showing my many self harm scares.i quickly pulled down my sleeves and tried to get up but failed by resting my back against the locker
"I'm sorry I'm so so sorry Emily" harry said in a whisper of was my first day and I was already getting tortured again.
"You should be you fucking cunt!" I screeched
"IM NOT NOW YOU WHORE HOW DARE YOU CALL ME THAT AFTER I TRIED TO APOLIGISE TO YOU!!!" He screamed back and started to beat me worse just before everything went black I heard somebody scream
"GET THE FUCK OF HER HARRY YOUR GOING TO FUCKING KILL HER" and I felt like I was lifted of the ground with faint whispers of
"Oh my god" and "I'm so so sorry Emily" then I dozed of into a black slumber

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