Part 10

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"Here, this is my daughter...Jorazon, but I call her Rei for short"

The twins looked at each other, unsure if this was the correct choice. "I mean hey, she's both Gears's daughter and was born from an egg so...We don't have to attempt to break into the Serpent's Hand to find the answer" Simon said. "Answer to what question?" His sister replied.

"Are you here to help papa stop spinning?" The twins looked down at the 27.4 chicken nugget tall girl. "Oh no, sweetie, we're here to find out why your papa is spinning and then do nothing about it" They both say.

Ana opened her soft, wet mouth "Anyhow, let's go back to business. How young is the gremlin?" Iceberg blacked out for a moment. "15...but her mental age is way younger for some reason. She hasn't changed much since the egg layer started spinning"

"I see...well, kiddo, it's time for-" The author of this story to say something funny for once. Get wrecked, Dovino! It's not like you can fire me.

(An SCP Fanfic) My Love For Pickles Where stories live. Discover now