"Han , I miss You"

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Ae-Rii POV:

I woke up to only feel pain in my lower area and something heavy on my bare waist..

It was him...

I tired to put his hand away and get up but she pulled me and i was on top of him he was staring in my eyes with love and Victory

Taehyung:"Were you goin Baby?"


Taehyung:"Last night was fun how you begged me to fuvk -

Me:"Please stop" i broke into tears

Taehyung:"Don't Cry angel " he said patting my head

Taehyung:"I will home soon as I finish the work okay"

Me:"You not goin to University?"
I questioned as I wanted to know to set up my plan i can't stay here getting tortured by him

Taehyung:"No not today i have some other work to deal with" he said with a smirk

Taehyung:"Have a quick shower and lets have breakfast" he said

I was about to get up but collapsed onto the floor and he chuckled and picked me up in bridal style and headed to the bathroom and placed me in the Bath tub and went out to let me help me myself...

*Time Skip*

I need to escape as soon as possible
I can't live with him being his slave or a Toy ...

He cant control me but im more worried about Han yesterday his nose was bleeding 

i was in my thoughts when i didnt realized that Taehyung was behind me..

Taehyung POV:

I got upstairs to check on my Ae-Rii and when i entered the room she was lost in her thoughts and sitting besides the window 

Taehyung:"What you thinking " i asked and she came back to her reality and got up from her place and came and stood infront of me and asked 

Ae-Rii:"Taehyung where is Han?" she took that bastards name 

Taehyung:"Dont worry hes safe until you Obey me and if you did Disobey me you know what happens" i said with smirk on my face and he eyes started to tear up 


Taehyung:"My angel , dont cry and come down lets have breakfast and even i'm gettin late for my work" he said and iShe fell on ground and crying and mumbling "I'm Missing you Han ,Mom,Alice ..."

I went Down and called my Maid

Me:"NAYEON!!!" she came runin and bowed me 

Nayeon:"Yes, Mister KIM " 

Me:"I'm leaving now so look after Ae-Rii and she didnt had her breakfast so serve her " I said and she nodded and i was near the doorstep when i turned and said 

Me:"And be carefull she doesnt goes out this Mansion Borders nor anyone comes in without my permission , and if she does you are Responsible for this UNDERSTAND " she was scared to hell as i could read her face and i left for my work "

At Home :

Ae-Rii POV:

I was walking front and back in the room my mind was only thinking about my family and my Love did they had food?,Are they safe?,Shall I escape?,or no? 

when the roon door opened as Nayeon Unnie entered the room with a tray with food served and bowed to me 

Nayeon:"Sir said me to sir you dear.."said placing the tray on the table near the bed 

Me:"Unnie I'm not hungry "

Nayeon:"Please have it dear or sir will punish me"

When she took Taehyungs name i started shaking and then i thoungh i cant be selfish ,i cant let him harm any innocent because of me and I took the tray and started to eat ...

and she left the room and I started to Thinking about Han I'm missing Him he's the only one I luv


Me:"I need to escape " i said and decieded the plan i went down and saw Unnie cleaning the tables and i went near her as she noticed me she asked

Unnie:"Is there anything you need Ae-Rii , you would hand just called me I would had come to your-

I cut her off 

Me:"No Unnie Nothing just checking around the Mansion ...

she was about go to her work and I stopped her

Me:"Unnie whats your routine" i asked and she replied

Unnie:"Oh... Actually I work here full time and Sir appointed me for you 24/7 so I live in the Shelter behind the Mansion its actually made for the Maids .. and My work time is over when sir says and the Gaurds are all the time active so no worries... " she said and I nodded as its a little hard to escape and a voiced called from behind 

???:"Unnie there is a Problem in the machine" she exused me and ran to the exit and I went back to my room and layed on the bed and drifted to sleep planning everything...

??? POV:

Taehyung thinks I cant hack his mansion CCTV's and See whats goin On inside such a Jerk he is ...


Hey Mimo's 

I;m sorry for the late Update..

but I'm back... Hope you Enjoying and thx for 100+ reads for happy..

 Hope you Enjoying and thx for 100+ reads for happy

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