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It was almost three in the morning when I finally put my phone down and decided to get to bed. My dorm was quite, and my roommate was out for the weekend. I had decided to stay in and enjoy the time alone, and had scoured every corner of the internet for the last few hours. I tucked my phone under my pillow and pulled the covers up, flipping towards the wall. It was right as I started to drift into that peaceful slumber that I heard my door open, and close again quickly.

I was slow to realize what had happened, and as I began to sit up in my bed, I felt a gentle hand press against my chest.

"It's me," she whispered.

"What are you doing?" I asked, hardly sure if who it was climbing into my bed. But before I could ask anything else, I felt her soft lips against mine. I gave in, pressing back and reaching around to the small of her back, squeezing gently. She eased me back down to the bed, reaching up to tuck her hanging hair behind her ear. She laid her weight on me while still on her knees, sticking her ass out. I slid my hands up her back, caressing her, and slowly moved down her body. Still kissing, she let out a soft, hushed whimper.

I moved my hands back up, gently sliding my nails along. She drew a sharp breath in, and I felt her legs quiver. My right hand settled on the back of her neck, while my left slid under her shirt, holding her by her stomach. She lowered herself, pressing into me. She slowly began to move back and forth, grinding against my growing erection.

She kept up this tease, moaning softly into my mouth with every kiss. She ran her tongue over mine, and slipped a hand under my shirt. She pressed the other against my chest, and pushed her perfect body up. She crossed her arms, grabbing the corners of her shirt and pulling it over her head. I could just barely make out her stunning figure from the faint moonlight bleeding through the blinds.

She caressed my face, running her hand along my cheek to the back of my neck. She grabbed and the base of my hair, pulling me up to her, and pushing my face into her. I kissed her neck as her breathing got heavy. I trailed my lips down to her chest, exploring her body. When I landed between her breasts, I reached up and gently squeezed them. She threw her head back with a deep moan. I moved to one, teasing her nipple with my tongue, then sucking, putting as much in my mouth as I could. Then I pushed it out, gently biting on her nipple. She let out a soft wince. If I didn't before, I certainly had her full attention now. I wanted to show her that she had made the right decision coming to me.

She rubbed up and down my back, slipping her hands under my shirt. I helped her get it off of me, pressing my skin onto hers. I looked back up at her, and she brought her lips into mine, digging her nails into my back. The stimulus excited me, and I drew a sharp breath from her lips. She sat on my lap, grinding against me. I reached up to the base of her hair and pulled just a little, causing her to pull away from my kiss. Her forehead against mine, she moaned. I quickly pulled my hips back, then pushed at an angle, moving my dick towards her clothed clit. Her moan became deeper, with a hint of surprise behind it.

She began to kiss my shoulder, putting her hands to my bare chest and pushing me down. Her fingers traced down my skin, stopping at my waistline. They danced there for a moment, until she undid my pants and worked them away from my hips. I held her by her neck in one hand, her waist in the other. She reached into my boxers and pulled out my length, and gave it one slow stroke. I let out a deep moan.

"Mmm," she teased. "That feel good?"

I kissed her neck, pushing her head up with my thumb against her throat. I didn't want her getting the idea that she was in complete control. As I sucked on her neck, I moved my hands to her waist and pushed her down, sliding my length between her legs. She drew a sharp breath. I sat up, pulling her body into mine and flipping us over quickly. Her hair was splayed out over the pillow, with a cute, confused look consuming her beautiful face. But that confusing quickly faded, with a devilish, almost panicked look replacing it. She didn't know what was coming next, but she was eager to find out.

Our eyes locked, and we just sat there for a moment, as I basked in the sight of her body by the light of the moon. She was perfect in every way. Every beautiful flaw, every gorgeous scar, she was perfect. And she was mine.

I lowered myself down, my face landing on her stomach. I kissed down her body, dancing my lips towards her pants. I bit down, sucking on her skin. She twitched, arching her waist up at me. I ran my hands along her legs, stopping at her hips. I drew back, admiring the purple bruise now painted on her perfect skin. My little mark. My way to remind her of this night for the next few days.

I slipped my hands around to her back and under her leggings. She lifted her legs and helped me reveal the rest of her glorious body. I took her thighs in each hand, caressing her. I put my lips to one, then the other, moving towards her inner thigh. I nibbled at her skin, and her breath caught in her throat with every touch. I pulled her legs to the sides, then ran my hands up her body, grabbing her tits with a gentle squeeze. She had watched all of this, insistent on enjoying every bit of this. I caught her gaze, our eyes meeting. She held the same look of devilish excitement.

Still staring back at her, I laid my tongue against her clit. She gasped, arching her waste again, only making the feeling more intense.

"Fuck," she let out, as her eyes rolled back. "Yes, baby."

I flicked my tongue, only to watch her jump again. She was fun to tease.

I bent down to the base of her pussy, and licked my way to the top in one slow, long take. She drew a heavy breathe in, and let out a cute moan.

I loved seeing her like this. Desperate for me. Clinging on to every touch. Anxiously anticipating what I'd do to her next. I loved making her feel this way. Making her want me.

I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep myself in control. I sped up, running my tongue up, finding her clit at last. Her hands dug into the sheets, squeezing them hard. She let out a moan, not holding anything back anymore. I continued to massage her, pushing her closer and closer. She ran her fingers through my hair, pulling while her legs clenched up. I wrapped my arms under her legs and held her thighs back. Her warm wetness ran down my chin. I wanted her. I wanted to feel her. I went faster. Her breathing sped up even more, with a sharp gasp at my change of pace.

"Fuck, don't stop. Please."

I flicked my tongue up and down her clit, as she screamed out for me. She threw her head back into the pillow, arching her back as I leaned into her, the pressure only making it more intense for her.

She shot up, her eyes concentrated on me. I looked up at her, pushing even more into her.

"Baby. I'm g-go-"

She quivered. Her lips let out a loud moan. I kept going, holding her legs down as she began to finish on my face. I loved the feeling of her body against me. She pushed against my tongue, screaming out for me. Her pussy gushed, her beauty leaking out. I kept going, gliding my tongue against her clit until she fell back down to the bed, jittering from the intensity.

I drew back, my eyes still on her. She was perfect. She was stunning.

"Good girl."

"Ahhhh," she moaned. I leaned forward, putting my arms down on either side of her. She sat up enough to kiss me, putting a hand on my cheek and pulling me down to her. With her other hand, she pulled my boxers down and held my dick, stroking slowly.

My breath caught in my throat. I didn't think she'd be so eager after all of that. But that, that was hot.


Part 2 coming soon.

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