Prologue | Another Brawnen

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Yang had been through a lot, her team decided to separate after the events of the fall of Beacon, each went their separate way and she had to get to her sister, she would need all the help she could get with their next adventure, so she went back to doing what she had been doing for the past years -- searching for her mother. She was a long-haired girl with pale violet eyes wearing a tan jacket with orange lining and gold edging, unzipped halfway to show an orange crop top along with black pants and tan boots. 

She managed to get to a camp of bandits to the east of Anima where supposedly her mother was staying at. The bandits she beat up and forced to lead her here assured her that her Raven, her biological mother was resting ahead. 

She stopped in front of the largest cabin in the camp and waited. One of the bandits had gone inside to inform her mother that she had arrived, and sure enough, a woman which looked identical to her were it not for the black hair and crimson eyes appeared, her mother, who looked like an older version of her with samurai armor stepped out of the cabin and grinned. 

Yang didn't feel like beating around the bush, she told her mother what she was doing there immediately, she wanted to get to her sister using her mother's semblance which allowed her to create portals to those she shares a deep emotional bond with.

Her mother scoffed at the idea and mocked her and her sister for trusting her brother Qrow, a man who aligned himself with Ozpin. Yang glared and yelled at her, "Bring me to Qrow damn it!" her mother scoffed and crossed her arms, she just watched as Yang punched an incoming subordinate into one of the very tents, making the cloth shake and fall, showcasing two cages. 

From the cage the furthest away from her a familiar voice came forth, "Yang?!" yelled the voice. Yang turned her head and saw a familiar face, Weiss Schnee, a fair-skinned girl with white hair tied to a side bun held by a small tiara piece. 

"Weiss?!" questioned Yang, looking at the cage. 

Weiss sighed and then snapped her fingers, making a giant translucent knight appear and break her out of the cage, which she ran out of immediately. On her way to Yang, Weiss' knight crashed against the cage in front of hers, making it shake. 

They both gathered at the center of the camp, now surrounded by bandits.

"Shit... they had to damage that cage..." Yang looked at her mother who placed her hand over her blades and narrowed her eyes at the direction Weiss had escaped from. Yang turned her head in the direction of the cage. 

She saw a young child with brown eyes, a pale complexion, and eye-length styled brown hair with an ahoge poking out of the top. He was wearing a modified black collar skintight jacket with short sleeves and silver cross emblems, black fingerless gloves with red guards, with his right arm tightly covered by a material. He sported black trousers with a red belt and black-red boots with metal guards. On the back of his jacket, there was a red cross with white outlines. Right above his wrists were shackles that seemed to have been broken as the chains flailed about.


It was a cold day outside and a boy with bedraggled chestnut-colored hair walked the streets, his eyes were pale and brown in color, he looked down at a small screen device that had a sword strap on it. He wore a black jacket with a red inner-jacket and black pants. He wandered about the night, walking through the light-filled streets, the scenery changed with every step. A small room one step and a tower the other. The boy ignored everything and continued walking until his feet reached a large shrine. Before him, was a girl with similar features. She had long brown hair reaching her lower hip. She felt familiar but her face was covered in shade, leaving only her lips exposed to light. 

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