The First Day

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Buttercup Pov
"Wake up", said Blossom shaking me awake. I just pretended she wasn't there until I realized .... WHY ON EARTH IS SHE IN MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!

"How did you get in here!", i yelled falling out of my bed.
"Your mom let us in", she said with a smile. Bubbles took my blanket and said "Get up today is Thursday and you know what you promised". Aww man I totally forgot that I told them if I couldn't wake up earlier than 7:30 every morning for a week they would get to pick out my outfit for a week.

I fearfully looked at the clock..............

"WHAT", I yelled when I saw the clock. it was 7:31.

"You have got to be kidding me", I said while Blossom and Bubbles draged me out of my bed.

"Buttercup you know the deal", said Blossom and Bubbles together.
"I know I know", I said annoyed.

Together Blossom and Bubbles picked out what I was going to wear to school today. Then remembered that today 3 new boys are going to be joining my class.
"Great there goes my reputation"

3 Years LaterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora