chapter 1

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                     7 years earlier

  There was a world not to long ago where we lived in an enchanted world of elegant palaces and grand parties.

  It was wonderful truly, There was a party currently going as we speak. It was amazing so many people with the best of clothes and the best of dancing were there. We were celebrating the 300th anniversary of a family rule.

   I had just gotten done dancing. I started walking up to my grandmother who was returning to Paris. She had short black hair with some grey in it. And she had the brightest jade eyes I'd ever seen. She was also wearing her best clothes like everyone else.

   I gave her the biggest smile I could manage. I didn't want her to leave of course. I was very close to my grandmother and I'd like to keep that bond. But unfortunately time moves and people do with it.

   When I finally reached her she pulls out what looked like a music box of some kind or maybe a jewelry box though I didn't really need one I still took it. When I inspected it, It had bright red jules on the top with gold all around it. "what's this, a jewelry box?" I questioned my grandmother Dolorosa. "Just watch." she said then pulled out a key. I watched her curiously.

   She then put the key in a key whole and started twisting it until the box opened. I gasped a little, "it plays our song" she smiles and says, "Yes it does, you can play it whenever you'd like even before bed. You will always have a peice of me when you play it. Just know I'll never really be apart from you. I'm always here." she then points to my chest where my heart should be. I smile and give her the biggest hug, "I'll miss you so much you know." She hugs me back and says, "I know dear, me to."

    She then pulls back and gives me the key, "Look at the words on it." I put the key close to my face then read the words out loud, "until we meet again in Paris" I smile "thank you so much" then I hugged her again and held her tight. She just laughs at me.

   But we would never be together again.

      Someone had come to the party uninvited. Someone we thought had been good and kind. Oh how we were so very wrong. His name was gamzee makara and he truly was power-mad and unstable.

     My father the signless walked up to him and said, "why are you here I thought we made it clear you weren't supposed to return to the palace!" But makara still tried to manipulate my father but he wasn't having any of it but then again neither was gamzee. He grew impatient and you could tell he wasn't in a good mood to begin with.

      Gamzee then pulled out a bottle of green smoke? liquid? I'm not sure but it was something bad. He then held it out and said, "I banish a curse on you, you and your family will die within a fortnight!" Everyone gasped. "I will not rest until I see the end of the Vantas's and Maryams lines forever!!" He yelled for all to hear. He casted the green inside the bottle and it hit the chandelier.

     Gamzee had so much hatred for the family so he selled his soul for the power to end them.

      He then sent people after the palace. They ran through the gates with fire and all kinds of things. We needed to escape so we did. As my grandmother, other people, and myself we're running down the halls trying to get out before they could get in. I then remembere the music box I was about to leave and never see again.

     I stopped and yelled, "my music box I can't leave it!" My grandmother called after me but I was already running back to my room. She then ran after me, calling my name "karkat come back we need to get out of here!" But we we're already half way towards my room.

       I busted into the door with my whole body trying to run towards the music box and get out. My grandmother said, "Hurry karkat! We need to leave right now" I tried to gather everything as fast as my little hands could get. We then heard a crash coming from the hall and gasped. Someone came out of the small door in the room. It was a boy about my age, he had beautiful dark skin with freckles that danced on his face. He also had platinum blonde hair it was also curly like mine. And the thing I noticed most of all was his eyes were a crimson color they were beautiful and breathtaking. 

      He walked over to me and my grandmother and pulled us in the direction of the door, "This way its much safer!" And then we ran towards the door. But little did we know one of gamzees creations were watching us.

     I then realized I dropped my music box and turned around, "I need my music box!" I yelled over the shouting. The boy then turned me back around and shoved me towards the door "go you gotta get out of here!" Then he shoved me in and shut the door. I didn't hesitate to run with my grandmother.

     We finally got outside and was trying to run to a safer area. But unfortunately for us gamzee was already waiting for us and we had no idea. He then grabbed me and I yelled "hey! let go of me!" And my grandmother got ahold of my arms so he couldn't take me. "Your mine!! And will always be!" Then something under us cracked and broke it was ice. Gamzee was being dragged down with it. "No! I can't go!" Then he got a tight hold on my legs but I kicked and shouted and we finally got away and ran.

     We then got to the train station and tried to catch it. My grandmother got on but I didn't make it. "Hold onto my hand don't let go karkat!" And I did. Or at least I tried. When I felt our hands slipping away from my grandmothers tears started to well up in my eyes. I shouted for her to keep holding on but she couldn't.
       our hands broke and never ceased to touch again



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