chapter 3

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  Both Dave and John sit in the theater they worked so hard on getting. Their looking at actors to see which one can picture karkat the most. But none of them can.


"This is such a waste of time Dave." John whispered next to you. "Yeah I know man, we'll get through this last group and we're done I promise." John just nodded and continued to cross out all the names of the people who acted before us.

  We finally got through them all and started walking out of the theater. "This is it Dave! We're done for I can already see it. No more richs in paris." John said sadly, "hey man cheer up would ya? We'll get the guy or someone" I said and patted him on the back.

  "Yeah okay whatever you say" john sorta muttered to himself. I just rolled my eyes and continued to walk.

   "We'll never get a guy to act like karkat oh god." John said pulling his face down with his hands I sigh, "dude we'll get one I promise and if not then we'll get the real karkat! Don't worry about it to much" I say but then I bump into someone, "excuse me!" The person yelled but I didn't turn back nor did I care to much.

-karkats pov

  "hello I'm looking for the old palace that's supposed do be around here-" then someone bumped into me cutting me off. I turned around to see who was rude enough to not even say sorry. "excuse me!" god people can be rude I think as I roll my eyes. "sorry, do you know where that happens to be?" "It's down there- no no one even lives there just leave"

   Jeez what's up everyone's ass today? Whatever I'm just going to find the palace myself

   I finally reached the old palace that looks like nothing living touched it in a good few years. I set the cat that I was holding earlier down and start walking around to get a better look.

  It's very big and looks like it has alot of rooms to. In the door ways it's boreded up with wood so no one could get it. Then I see the cat run into a crack in the bored and go in. "hey! come back" I whisper yell at the cat while walking over to the boreds and peeking in them. "where are you?!" I say as I try my best to look around the place through the wood.

   Then I pull at the wood trying to get in. Once I get enough force on the wood it comes off and I do with it. I completely fall on my ass "fuck!" I whispered. That shit hurt okay?

   I walk in the palace and look around. Huh not to bad for a place that looks not so good on the outside. "hello! anyone here?!" I yell through the palace.

  Probably not the best thing to do but whatever I do what I want. I then hear the cat meowing and it leaps toward me. It follows me around the palace as I walk.

   I walk into what appears to be a dining area or ballroom? I see the cat run under the table and I laugh a little. I look at all the table wear that is dusty and has cobwebs on it. I see a plate that somehow catches my eye. I blow on it trying to get as much dust as I can and I hold it up looking at myself. I then see something in the plate it's two dancing people. Huh weird, I then set it down and walk away trying to think nothing of it.

   I leave the dining area and walk around. God this all looks so familiar but I can't quite pin it anywhere. It's almost frustrating not being able to remember where or why it seems this way. I hum a tune I remember but I'm not sure where it's really always been with me. Or for as long as I remember.

  I'm in the ballroom and I can imagine people dancing but it's so clear in my mind like it's a memory dream. Maybe even things I've seen before. Or maybe I'm just finally going crazy.

   I'm quite literally in my own world as I spectate the floor designs and paintings of the ballroom until I hear someone say, "Hey! What are you doing in here!" They yell from the stairs ledge. I gasp and start running across the ballroom trying to get out. They run after me it's two young men about my age I can tell.

   "Stop! Hey hold on minute!" The shout as they come closer to me. I stop and turn around but keep a little distance between us. "now, how did you get in he-here.." one of the men ask. He has platinum blonde hair and dark skin while the other slowly running behind to a stop has jet black hair like my own and is a tanish color.

   The men are both looking behind me and are whispering to each other, "do you see what I see?" "Of course I do!" I sigh, "are you dave?" One of the men walk up and smiles a little, "maybe it depends on who's asking." "my names kar, I need some travel papers they say your the guy to see." I say. "right yeah so you want some travel papers- I'm sorry you just look a lot like.....nevermind yea we're the people to see." He says grabbing the other guy to stand next to him. "uh yea I'd like to go to Paris" I say in a confused tone, what in the hell were these guys on like seriously!

   "right you wanna go to Paris! now let me ask you something.. kar was it? is there a last name that goes with it?" "We'll this is going to sound completely crazy but I don't know my last name. I was just kinda picked up after someone found me wondering around at 11 years old. Kinda lost my memory I can't remember anything before 12ish years old" I say to the guy who I'm assuming is dave. "great wonderful" the guy mutters to himself, "But I do have one clue to who I am and that is Paris"


   "Yes so could you two help me or not?" I say in a kind of frustrated voice. "Right yea of course, we're actually going to Paris are selves but unfortunately we only have 3 tickets and the 3rd one is for karkat" He says.
"But you do kind of resemble him you know" Dave says, "Yes! Even the same auburn eyes." John buts in. "What are you trying to tell me I'm karkat? See I knew you two we're crazy from the beginning but now I think you two are just plain out mad." I say as I try to walk away from the two.

   "Why? You have all the same qualities as him even family in Paris." Dave says while stepping in front of me to keep me from walking out. "Have you ever thought of the possibility?" "What being royalty? I don't know it's kind of hard to picture yourself as that when your sleeping on the floor. But sure yea everyone would hope to be royalty of some kind." I say staring up to the painting the two men put me in front of. If I being honest the child in it does look familiar. I'd even say it looks like me but that would be egotistical if I do say so myself.

    "Well if your not the prince then we can't give you the extra ticket to Paris. Like I said it remains for karkat." "Okay but if I don't remember anything past 11 then who's to say I'm not a prince or royalty. And if I'm not karkat then the empress will certainly know right away."

   "But if you are the prince then you'll know who you are and you'll have your family back!" John says, "you know he's right" Dave says after John's finished, "right" I sort of mumble. "We'll then we're going to paris!" Dave says with a smile.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2021 ⏰

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