Am I fruity?

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TW: Homophobia, homophobic slurs, aggression, bullying

POV: Tubbo

I sat at my usual table with Tommy, I glanced over to ranboo as he sat at an empty table and immedietly everyone flocked over to sit with him, he looked incredibly uncomfortable with that so I turned back to Tommy "I'll be right back" 

I stood and walked over to the table ranboo sat at, I honestly didn't care what anyone did about me since I was a BIT known for getting into fights (him and Tommy once sent a few kids to the hospital a few times) and I just started pushing people away from ranboo 

"OI give the poor guy some space, can't ya idiots see they're uncomfortable with y'all being all lovey dovey on them?" They tried to slap my hand away but I just took my thumb and stabbed it into their ribs "AGH-" the kid yelled and fell backwards on the floor "heh, wimp" I lightly kicked him as he rolled on the floor

I grabbed ranboo's wrist and tugged them to the table Tommy was still sitting at, he was laughing pretty hard at what I did "thank you- tubbo-.." Ranboo awkwardly muttered as he sat "oh don't worry bossman, it's nothing really" 

I zipped open my backpack and pulled out the sandwich and chips Phil had packed, tommy did the same and ranboo just sat a bit awkwardly, slightly spaced out, I waved a hand infront of his face "hellooooo earth to ranboooooo"

They blinked and looked around "oh- sorry-" and pulled up their backpack, it was a mossy green color with mushrooms embroidered all over it, they opened it and grabbed another little baggy that looked pretty much the same, he then opened the baggy and pulled out ANOTHER LITTLE BOX THAT LOOKED THE SAME AS HIS BACKPACK AND LUNCH BAG, it had little mushrooms painted on the clear top, he opened the box and revealed a plate of spaghetti that looked like it came straight out of the kitchen of a 5 star restaurant. 

I didn't really say anything about it and we just ate

After we ate I stretched my arms out only for some random kid to pull me out of my seat "F€g" he snickered and I stood, grabbing him by his hood and jerking him back causing him to land on his back "WHAT THE FUCK?" he yelled and grabbed my leg

I stomped on his arm til he left me go and I flipped him off "fuck you bitch >:]" I cackled. 

Ranboo and Tommy had watched the whole thing and Tommy was basicly wheezing at the sight, ranboo was slightly smiling at my reaction to the kid's words "hey- uh- tubbo, why'd he call you that?" "Eh- I dunno" I shrugged and grabbed my backpack, putting my lunch bag back in and stretching and the bell rung "well, see y'all later" I waved and went to my class

After school

POV: Ranboo

I was standing in the middle of the halls trying to get home, but I was swarmed with people, I didn't even have an inch of personal space as everyone was trying to hold my hands or touch my hair, it was really weird and I hated it until I heard a loud screech "HEY, GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THE, BEFORE I PLOW YOU BITCHES TO HELL" 

I glanced over to see tubbo about to ram someone to the ground "tubbo-! Help please-" I waved my hands to tubbo and tried to get away from the crowd, tubbo ended up knocking a few people to the ground which was sure to land him in detention tomorrow 

"thank you tubbo-.." I muttered after we finally got out of the school "no problem, it's weird as hell that people were just like treating you like some millionaire-" Tubbo laughed a bit "well- about that-" I placed my hand on my neck 

"my family name is known to be really rich people- my parents in fact own a huge company" I didn't really like talking about my family's success cause it seemed like bragging to me "wooaaaah, that's pretty cool! What kinda company?" Tubbo's eyes lit up despite the fact they were covered by his hair 

"well, my parents own a huge property where they grow mushrooms, all sorts of mushrooms and sell them, I kinda help out since my mom also makes earrings, I like to make little clay mushrooms and frogs" "WOAH THAT SOUNDS SO COOL- what's the company called?" "Oh- the mushroom company is called 'shroomish frogs' and my moms earring business is called 'fairy tale'." "Omg- I literally own a few earrings from fairy tale-" tubbo chuckled at the slight coincidence "oh, which ones?" "The frogs wearing mushroom hats" "NO WAY- I MADE A L L OF THOSE-" "AwOOAAAAH-" it was like an instant connection, tommy was just staring at them weirdly as we babbled about cottagecore stuff

it was amusing to watch to him


Yes, ranboo and their parents are like cottagecore/goblincore cause I like it and think it'd be cool

Bye now humans

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