when our time comes

774 29 76

TWS: mention of death, mention of ED, mention of SH, mention of s^ic1d3


7 years into the future

Tubbo sat upside down on the couch, he glanced over at ranboo and michael

By now michael was 13, but he's still an amazing kid, he hasnt had his destructive rebellious stage in life just yet

''dads, can ⟟ go out with shroud today?''


''make sure to take your knife and pepper spray, we dont know what hell spawns are out there''

Michael laughed

''i will''

The three enjoyed the movie they watched, tommy amazingly got ⏃ role in ⏃ movie, he was the main characters bestfriend who was ⏃ secret villain

''uncle tommy is an amazing actor!''

''he is''

They simply enjoyed the show, they all agreed that tommy was their favorite character in the movie, in it he was called william, ⏃ british guy of course

Tubbo grabbed his phone and started looking through twitter

When tubbo dies, we gon see him in this

Of course he thought it was funny, but he wondered

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Of course he thought it was funny, but he wondered.. they are getting ⏃ little older, and since the world isnt too accepting of the lgbtqia+ community, what would happen when they died?

Of course michael would inherit the house, thats for sure

Tubbo sat properly and they finished up the movie, tubbo gave ranboo ⏃ small kiss on the cheek and made his way to the kitched


Michael exclaimed

''oh hush kid, you'll find your partner(s) one day and end up the same, unless your aromantic-''

''i thought ⟟ was aroace once, turns out im just ace''

Ranboo stood and stretched ⏃ little, going to the kitchen to help cook

''what we making?''


''i love spaghetti''

(Mmmmmmm injustice is playing)

Ranboo tended to the sauce while tubbo tended to the noodles

''michael! Dinners almost ready, make sure to eat before you and shroud go out''

''k dad!''

Finally the pasta was ready, tubbo seperated the noodles into 3 bowls aswell as ⏃ little in enderchests bowl (enderchest is old now LMAO)


Ranboo poured the sauce onto the noodles, and of course ⏃ little for the felidae they kept

Michael came downstairs, gold was all dressed for his little outing, it and shroud we're quite the chaotic teenagers

The three ate their dinner, michael hurrying ⏃ little to finish

''slow down michael- your fixing to choke''

The piglin finished their last bit of noodles, he stood and hugged both parents before exiting the house

''hey, boo''

Tubbo turned to ranboo

''what do you think will happen when we die?''

''hm.. ⟟ dont know..''

Tubbo stood after finishing his pasta, he aswell took ranboo's empty bowl and began to wash the dishes

Ranboo lifted themself from their seat, standing just behind tubbo

The taller felidae wrapped their arms around their husband, softly resting their chin on tubbo's hair

''i love you''

''i love you too''

SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER!!!! the next one, aka the last will be quite sad indeed, very angsty

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