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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bill's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ahahahahahah! Yes! I had finally done it! I snickered, looking down at Dipper's limp body. I changed into my human form, and cautiously stepped around the pool of blood forming around Pine Tree's head. I leaped off the roof, landing hard on my feet. Now you may be wondering...why didn't I just use my human form to kill the Pines? Well what fun would that be? I stood back from the Mystery Shack and admired my work. Wendy and Stan lay outside, pools of blood soaking their clothes. Question Mark was in the house with a slit throat. Pine Tree was laying dead on the roof. And Shooting Star was buried somewhere. I had finally done it. I heard sirens, and realized that the police were nearing the Mystery Shack.
"Goodbye...forever." I whispered, and teleported away. I teleported to a golden room. My room, in the Dreamscape. Ah yes. Home. I sat down on my golden bed, and pondered the events of the past few days. Look how far I've come!
"Bill." I jumped at the sound of a female voice. I turned to see none other than Shooting Star. A translucent ghost of her floated before me.
"Why Bill?" She asked simply, her eyes pleading. "Why did you kill me? I had a whole life ahead of me...now look at me. I'm dead." She hung her ghostly head.
"Shooting Star, don't take it personally." I replied, calmly.
"DON'T TAKE IT PERSONALLY?! FOR HEAVENS SAKE YOU KILLED ME!!! And my family. Bill. Why? Why did you want us dead? We were so young and innocent." I opened my mouth to reply, but she continued.
"I had my whole life ahead of me. And now it's gone. I'll never graduate high school. I'll never have a husband. I'll never have children. I'll never be happy. You took all that away from me...because you are a selfish creature. An evil selfish creature." Tears fell from her ghostly cheeks.
"I must go now. My family will be arriving in the afterlife soon. I want to be there to welcome them. Not with you." She started to fade.
"Wait! Shooting Star!" I called, reaching my gloved hand out. I could feel tears forming in my eye.
"What?!" She snapped.
"I-Im sorry...oh God what was I thinking." I sat down on my bed and ran my hands through my hair.
"I killed innocent people! For what? Oh God I screwed up." I could feel Shooting Stars eyes looking at me. Suddenly four more ghosts appeared around her. The rest of the Pines had made it to the afterlife. I turned to face them.
"I-I'm sorry...I'm so sorry. I-why? Why did I do this?! I killed innocent people! I-I-I was just so power hungry...ready to complete my plan! And now...oh God I messed up..." I tugged at my blonde hair.
"This is my fault." I put my my head into my hands.
"I'm sorry beyond words." I could feel the Pines watching me with intense gazes, watching the last of my sanity drift away.
"Oh God, how can I live with myself...no...I won't."
"Bill." I looked at Dipper.
"Don't Bill."
"You don't understand!" I said, laughing like a maniac. "I screwed up. And now I'm going to end it." I stood up. I knew the Pines could see the psychotic look in my eye. They knew what was about to happen.
"Please, Bill don't." Mabel begged.
"I-I have to." I growled, walking over to my golden dresser. I opened the top drawer and pulled out a long silver dagger.
"Bill!" Wendy yelled.
"I cant!" I yelped, tears pouring down my face. "I can't live with myself, knowing what I've done! I have done pretty crazy things in the past...but I wouldn't kill anyone...this isn't me! I have to finish this..."
"Bill." Dipper said, flying close to my face. "You can make this right. You can fix everything."
"How?!" I screeched. "How...?" Pine Tree had a panicked look in his eyes....he didn't know how to fix things.
"Bill." He started. "You may have taken our lives but we won't let you take your own."
"I need to be punished for this."
"You already have. Living with the guilt is your punishment."
"And I can't live with it."
"We forgive you." I stared at him, confused.
"You what?"
"We forgive you Bill."
"N-no this can't be forgiven."
"ENOUGH!!!" I yelled. I prepared to swing the blade, when a new voice broke in.
"If you die...how will you carry out your plan?" I stared at Wendy. Hot tears streamed down my face.
"More innocent lives will be taken!" I yelped.
"WHY DO YOU CARE???!!!!" I hissed, startling them.
"No, Bill." Mabel said, floating next to her brother. What? Why? This was insane!
"I'm immortal." I said softly. "Only I can kill myself..." I gazed down at the blade. "Do I want to live feeling guilt forever...or not live at all?" I made my decision. I lowered the blade. Then swung it at myself. The blade lodged itself into my chest. It pierced my dark heart. I screamed in agony. I heard all the Pines gasp. My life slowly drained away from me, onto the floor. I thrashed around violently. I screamed and yelled. But there was nothing that could take me out of this suffering. Nothing. My vision began to fade, and I curled myself into a ball, tears streaming down my face, blood streaming from my heart. I closed my single eye.
And slipped away.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ok....I'm in tears....this was....*crying to hard to speak*
Ok. I've recollected myself. So...he died. He committed suicide. That's it. The end. Bill is dead because he couldn't live with the guilt or shame. But the Pines had forgiven him...they knew that living with the guilt was justice enough. But he destroyed himself. So that's the end of the book...Uh, earlier you guys voted that you wanted a new Cipher fanfic so uh...I'll tell you when I release "Powerless." Well um...this is it. This is where we part ways. Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye.

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