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Then Mikuma shouted "Hey, stop it you guy's. Don't you feel ashamed on what your doing"
Then Yuma look at them and said "I see. The japanese greeting style!" while folding the paper ball into small piece

But suddenly...

As Yuma got the paper ball in small shape he throw it at the face of the leader of the group then the guys got fly out of his chair 



"What the hell did you do!!"

Mikumo and the group got shock on what Yuma did then Yuma said
"Oh?. Weren't this greetings?" then the leader of the group grab the collar of Yuma while the other classmate are just laughing on what Yuma did

'This guy... He's Surprisingly Belligerent....!' Mikumo thought.

But suddenly someone was laughing when they heard it they look at the owner of the voice and it was Kira some of them got shock since the boy is rarely laughing only when he find it really funny or interesting.

'Eh Kira-san is Laughing...?'

'This midget he's getting on my nerves he made me humiliate in front of Kira' The leader thought. "Are you kidding me? You damn Midget........!" He said with and angry face.

'Pfft-...... this guy really, Yuma you really are interesting. but the way you do that is really suspiscious ' Kira said in his thought then starts to make a serious face. good thing the people didint notice his serious face.

"I'm bored. Do you want to play with me?" Yuma said in a serious face looking at the leader who grab him. Then the leader let out an "Aahh!?"

Then Mikumo said "You guys, stop......" then the teacher suddenly got in the classroom and said "Everyone Homeroom's starting" while clapping his hands 

"Take your seat" she said. then they got back in their seats and the class starts

'This is boring huff.......' Kiras said in his thought while looking at the board.

⫏Nekokaburi⫐ ◀[World Trigger]▶ SEASON 1 & 2Where stories live. Discover now