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Irina...Irinaaaaa..."Hey!" Shouts out a masculine voice. Looking up from her book, Irina catches eyes with a tall blonde who jogs towards her, very eagerly might I add. "Oh, Drake, Sorry I was caught up in my book." Drake Fallon, Irina's childhood friend, a tall boy 5'9 give or take, he had light green eyes and skin tan as the sand. He was very muscular, with a few piercings that he made Irina go with him to get. if you could get past the cheating and constant narcissisms he is just your type. She sets the book down next to her on the stone bench. She enjoyed reading outside, especially under trees. The noise of a tree whistling in the breeze always calms her on autumn mornings. "Yeah, yeah. Anyways, have you heard from Eliza yet?" The mischief in this crooked smile would unsettle, or entice, any girl Irina's age. "I wish you'd give up on Eliza already, how many times does she have to put you on your ass before you get the hint?" She huffs. She is out of your league anyway.. she thought grumbling to herself slightly. Drake has always hit on and effectively scared away all of Irina's female friends. Even in elementary school, he'd pull other girls hair or stick bugs in their dress if they got too close to Irina. It wasn't always bad, it effectively kept bullies away in high-school, but that also included potential friends. Not Eliza though, a spit-fire of a girl she was. Nothing could keep Eliza from who or what she wanted. As Irina drifted off in thought, Drake prattled on and on about how he just KNEW Eliza wanted him. Speaking of the long-legged beauty must have conjured her because there she was. Glaring at Drake, who had ended up next to Irina on the bench, his arm behind her back. "Get your filthy paws away from my sweet, sweet Irina." Eliza hissed, pulling Irina close to her chest. This earns a blush from Irina, being as Eliza was the definition of Drop Dead Gorgeous. 5'6 with legs for days, she had the perfect body, and she knew it. Dark skin and Honey brown eyes, with different colored braids every week. She could kill you with a single glance, and also make you worship the ground she walked on. There's not a person Irina has met, including herself, that didn't find Eliza absolutely mesmerizing. "Ugh get over yourself Eliza, you know you want these filthy paws all over you." The two begin arguing as Drake makes several kissy faces and grabby hands and Eliza just smacks his hands and sometimes face away. Irina heaves a sigh, the shade of red leaving her face from being released from Eliza's very ... large chest. The bunch stand as Irina begins to walk toward her first class of the day, lucky for her, her morning class starts at 10:00 am rather than 7:00 am like her last year classes.
  Irina finds herself walking a bit further ahead of the others, when the bushes rustle next to her. She pauses looking at the bush slightly, squinting at the prickly thing. What could have caused such a strong rustle? She couldn't make any type of animal out before a tap on her shoulder jolts her out of thoughts. "O-Oh! M-Mr. Ain. You scared me sir!" She huffed pressing her book to her chest. Mr. Ain was a gorgeous man, Tall, sun-kissed, with a shadow of a beard and a build that seemed fit enough to carry you around all year. "I'm sorry Irina, but you know you can just call me Mikael." He chuckles a little a small tint of a blush on his face, rubbing the back of his neck a glimpse of his waist can be seen under his cardigan. "I know I am one of the trainee teachers for your classes, but I am only 26." It was true, Irina's college had prided itself on producing the teachers of America, allowing younger teachers to enter their program and learn from some of the best of the best. Irina majored in Art which coincidentally was also Mr. Ain's teaching specialty, so she has been close with him since her freshman year. " I know, but you still are my teacher in some way right?" Irina tilts her head smiling with a small giggle, her hair spilling over her shoulder revealing the porcelain skin of her collarbone. As Irina redirects her attention to Mr. Ain, was he just staring at my book? How odd. Maybe I should offer it to him. It is a good read. She thought, and just before she did Drake drapes his arm over her shoulder looking Mr. Ain up and down. Mikael and Drake were pretty close in height, but with Mikael's posture he gains a few inches over Drake. Disdain fills Mikael's face as he peers down his nose at Drake. "Mr. Ain, how lovely to catch you oogling Irina again. It feels like its been FOREVER since we saw you again." Drake muses tilting his head up to appear taller. Mikael coughs a little with a light blush before he turns his attention to Eliza and Irina. "I'll see you two in class, it was lovely to see you again Irina, and you as well Eliza." He nods his head slightly before flashing a smile out of story books and departing for his classroom. "Drake, please, for the sake of my migraine go to your stupid freshman kiddy class so me and Irina can go make eyes at a REAL hotty." Eliza chimes in nodding her head toward Mr. Ain's direction. oogling..? There's no way Mr. Ain looks at me that way. He is so mature, and Eliza is literally right here. Irina is deep in thought as Eliza drags her off towards class, Drake yelling out names as he departed for class.
  She soon refocuses on the world around her and starts to take in the fall view. Out of the corner of Irina's eye, Emory Fallon is seen propped up against the stairs of the art studio, holding his totally-not-a-dab pen. His eyes catch Irina's before he sneers and turns away heading up to the studio. As he turns her back Irina flips him off while sticking her tongue out at him. God, he is always so cold to me. Even though Irina was close to Drake her whole life, Emory never warmed up to her constant company. He was 4 years older than the both of them, so he never spent much time with his kid brother and apprentice. He was what most people called the black sheep of the family, only Irina refers to him as the black ice of the Fallon family. The Fallon's were a bright bubbly bunch with bright teeth, blonder hair, and tan skin, Drake being the green eyed embodiment of this, his older brother Emory was quite the opposite. Standing at 6 foot even, Emory had black hair with a single streak of bright white somewhere in there. He had several piercings , glasses, and a few tattoos. But to Irina's profuse denial that she memorized where some of his tattoos and piercings were will be all you here if you ask her about it. The only thing he shared with his family was his green eyes, yet his always seemed much darker then Drakes. Not that Irina was looking. She hated him, he always treated her so coldly, she barely existed to him. Soon a girl the same height as Irina joins them cutting off her sight line to Emory,skipping slightly.
  The dark brown hair bounces as streaks of pink pop through. "Renee! My its almost as if you got even smaller over the break!" jeers Eliza, as she pokes fun at their freshmen friend. Renee Stanton was a new recruit to the Irina bunch, but has still managed to be the #1 Irina fan. "Very funny Liz, be nice." Irina chimes seeing the perkiness dampen in Renee. It sparks back when Irina comes to her aid, looping her arm with Irina's and squeezing it to her chest. "You're as kind as you are beautiful Irina!" Irina couldn't help but spoil Renee, she was just so small and cute. Eliza rolls her eyes as they make it to the entrance of their classroom.
  The girls walk in greeting Mr. Ain as they take their seats at the middle-front of the lecture hall. He begins his lecture with everyone except a few men staring intently at Mr. Ain's ever move. Mikael does look very attractive when he's focused and calm, not that I'd ever tell him that... Irina's thoughts drift as she takes extensive notes, sometimes writing the same thing twice. Class ends and everyone stands to leave, packing their things. "Well, that was my only class for the day so I am heading back to our dorm Iri, see you when?" Eliza says stretching and popping her back, not a single notebook in sight. "Oh, I still have a few classes today so I will see you around dinner time maybe?" Eliza nods heading to the door blowing Irina a kiss and waving bye to Mr. Ain. He smiles waving back, with a little laugh. Renee had already dashed off to her next class with a swift goodbye hug. Freshman, always so eager to be early to their next class. Irina muses to herself as she begins packing her things.
  Huh...that's headphones were right there.. Irina lifts her backpack looking around, checking the ground and her surroundings. Mikael seemed to notice her searching so he made his way up the room. "Irina, what's wrong? Is something missing?" It was just the two of them now, the teacher supervising Mikael had left early, and most students had made their way to their next class. "Yeah my headphones are gone. I pulled them out for my next class, and set them on the counter, then turned and they were gone." Irina heaves a frustrated sigh, as Jason begins getting on his knees looking under the chairs. "Oh, Mr. Ai- Mikael, its ok you don't have to do all that, they were a cheap pair anyway." Irina leaned over to hold out her hand but just as she did, Mikael began to sit up. They locked eyes barely a few inches apart. Irina's grey eyes peer through her eyelashes as her ashen grey hair falls in her face. Mikael reaches out and moves a piece behind her ear, as Irina's face flushes. W-woah...what's going on!? H-he's so close...was Drake not kidding earlier? I'm freaking he about to kiss me!!??? Its almost as if he is leaning forward before abruptly leaning back and standing. He rubs his face and mouth before chuckling, "oh, well I am sure I have a pair you can use, let me go check my desk." And just like that he scurries off towards his desk to search for the headphones. what was that... Irina touches her face feeling the heat, Mikael reappears with airpods in hand. "Here, you can have these, I bought a new pair a few days ago and these were just in my desk." He was still blushing holding the headphones out. Irina takes them before heading to the door. "I'll bring them back next class, thank you Mr. Ain!" before anymore can be said Irina makes a mad dash to her next class.
  Mikael leans against the desk she was sitting at and holds his face in his hands. His face was beat red, and his hair disheveled. "Jesus Mik, you probably scared her half to death with that. Fuck." He grunts hitting his fist softly on the desk before standing and heading to his desk. Out of the corner of his eye he sees someone disappear through the doorway into the hallway. He walks toward the doorway swiftly looking down both ends of the hallway to see who it was but they were long gone by then. "Weird, I thought I saw someone." But before he steps back into his classroom he hears a crunch noise. Looking down at his feet he sees a pink pair of wireless headphones laying on the floor. "Huh. Found em."
   Her heart was beating a thousand a minute, and it would stay that way all day, through her classes, dinner with Eliza, and all the way into her dreams. But what never crossed her mind was the missing pair of headphones.

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