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The sound of slick grass and rain hitting leaves escape my ears as I dash through the forest, only the thundering of my pulse and breath reach them. Is it close, have I made enough distance. No even if I managed to gain some distance, if I stop now it will catch up in no time. I have to keep going, the dorms are just on the otherside of this stretch. If I can just get to the first building I--

Just as I finish this thought, my footing slides beneath me.

I am on the ground. Staring at the muddy pile of leaves that have silenced any hope of escape in my mind. It is only a matter of seconds now, as I raise my head, eyes wide searching for any means to defend myself. Only a few miliseconds before  a force lands on my back sending lightning not only through the sky but through all of my bones. There is nothing. I am powerless. I am weak. I have nothing. It will take what it wants. And I cannot stop it.


"gaahhh--!!" with a gasp I am upright in my bed, clutching the blanket as if my very soul depended on it. I look around panicked for a moment, then slowly rake in air. Sweat beads down my forehead as I tilt my head back against the head board.  Another one..that makes 3 this week.. It's never the same place, always slightly different, but the end is the same. I'm running I don't know why, I just know that if I stop..

I shake my head softly and swing my legs over the bed. It is just a dream. I walk to my bathroom, freshening up for the day. Shower, brush, dry, teeth, piercing and tattoo cleaning, clothes, a little makeup, and I'm ready. I check myself over in the mirror, though no amount of makeup could cover the exhaustion on my face. I open my door, looking around the living room, if you can call it that, of our dorm and finally find my backpack tossed on the mini futon. Eliza's purse and key ring are gone, so she's already off for the day. I settle for an energy drink and piece of gum for breakfeast. huh...? why is my bag so light.. I open the top flap rummaging around for my sketchbook, which usually makes up most of the weight in my pack. "what...? Did I use it last night..?" I scour the dorm for my misplaced sketchbook but find no trace. Just as I am about to look it over once more I catch sight of the clock on the microwave. Fuck. I dash out the door and down the 3 sets of stairs, heading to the art building that stands in as my lecture hall. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, I am so late. I dash across the courtyard and up a flight of stairs before stopping in front of the studio I was supposed to be in 30 minutes ago. Standing in front of the door, I inhale at least 10 gulps of air then slowly open the door to try and at least appear as if I am not dying from the amount of incline and decline sprints I just did. As I creep over to one of the empty chairs I wince. "Welcome, Mrs. Easton, we were just about to discuss the architecture of greece." I sit as quitely as I can before looking up at the board. 

A couple of hours and classes go by without any more terribly embarrassing moments, and it's time for lunch. As I head to my usual stone bench, a bag of chips and a water bottle tucked beneath my arm, I scroll over my calender for a moment. "After lunch is Drawing 2, then I have about an hour in between to prep for the color theory exam in Mr. Ain's class." As I mumble my schedule to myself, I bump into an all too familiar black cloud of dread and all things miserable. "tch, didn't anyone teach you to watch where you're going?" Emory. I scowl up at him, "Must have missed that lecture." Sarcasm was a specialty of mine, one I know Emory hates. "It appears your manners haven't gotten any better brat. If I hadn't known any better, I'd say your manners rival Mr. Sunshine himself." Ahhh yes, he never fails to slight Drake in every conversation we have. You'd never know they were brothers if it weren't for the last name. Even's still hard to believe. "Is there something you wanted, or are you just going to ruin my entire lunch hour with" I gesture up and down glaring, he cocks up an eyebrow, his glasses hanging on the ridge of his nose and playing an amused grin. "A bottle of water and chips. It seems your lunch was doomed before you ever entered my bubble. And might I remind you, you ran into me." I grit my teeth slightly and stare him down just long enough to notice the new lip piercing, and what appears to be a skull.. fairy? tattoo on his neck. I must have been staring too long before he sneers AGAIN. "Interested are you? Sorry tattoos are just a bit too hardcore for little miss perfect." I scoff and a hint of red hits my cheecks, "I'll have you know i have PLENTY of tattoos, none of which concern you." He is now rocking a more, 'really?' look on his face. He seemed to actually show some genuine interest in me for a moment there before I fire off another insult. "Just because I don't have daddy's money to spend on tattoos doesn't mean I haven't gotten any." And with that I almost instantly wish I'd shut my trap, if anything I have also always been great at running my mouth when I shouldn't. Even though the Fallon's are the american staple of what a family should be, daddy dearest was still far from perfect. Most of that imperfection fell on Emory, from what I saw as a child looking in. His look turns from sneering to cold in an instant, his eyes lower and he glares at me as if i were poison itself. "Move." And with that Emory is gone, shouldering past me with a new cloud forming around his shoulders. I bite my lip looking after him and then kicking a rock in frustration. "He started it, why should I feel bad about it." I stare at my lunch, now not feeling very hungry, but manage to swallow down a few chips. Sitting on the bench I start to angrily scoll through my phone, after about 15 minutes of grumbling i gulp down the rest of my water. I gather my trash and head to the nearest trash can, tossing a napkin, my bag of half eaten chips and empty water bottle. I start towards my next class hall still mulling over the entire encounter before feeling a chill down my spine. I stiffen slightly, sucking in some air a couple of times before whirling my head around. Nothing. Abreeze sweets a leaf or two around the bench i was just at. Hesitantly I turn in the direction of the forest next to the school, and just for a moment peer into the darkness then shake my head instantly. It was just a stupid dream..It was just the wind. Nothing is there. Even so, I quicken my pace, beelining for my next class. -

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2022 ⏰

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