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junkyu was genuinely surprised by how fast the word spread around.

it had not even been 2 days since junkyu had managed to secure haruto's number and here was standing in front of the 14th girl who was asking him for haruto's number.

"say, say," said one of the girls. "aren't you haruto's good friend? tell me his number please"

"please, i beg you. leave me alone." said junkyu, exasperated. "i'm not his friend."

"yeah, sure, like we'd buy that. you know there are so many guys who want to be close with him but he brushes all of them off." said the girl.

junkyu internally smiled to them. that was literally nothing new. that was typical haruto behavior. well of course, they wouldn't know.

"well sorry. i still can't help you."

"junkyu~~" they whined, junkyu groaned, annoyed. how was he supposed to get through his day like this?

"i told you, i know n0thing about him. his name is watanabe haruto. that's all i know."

"right. stop acting like you don't know he's some minister's son."

junkyu froze. what.

junkyu turned his head towards the girl. "what?"

the girl's eyes widened. "you didn't know? haruto is the son of some minister. lucky him. imagine being rich, powerful and handsome."

junkyu felt his heart drop a little. why didn't he know about this? to think about he knew so little about haruto. even back in high school. he didn't even where in japan he's from. he didn't know what haruto's parents did.

to think about, even the relationship between haruto and mashiho seemed weird. junkyu always felt that mashiho was a level below haruto. looking at the way haruto treated him.

was this who haruto was? a rich, powerful heir of a politically influential man?

then who was the haruto that junkyu knew? the one who didn't even know whether he had to mop the ground first or broom? the one who was concerningly excellent at claw machines? or the one the other describes him to be? is powerful, silent yet possessing such an immense presence?

which was the real haruto?

junkyu didn't know anymore.


hyunsuk walked down the hall, finishing his class.

"i'm sorry, i have to reject you." said a familiar voice.

hyunsuk froze. recognizing the voice, it was haruto.

"why? why do you not want to date me?" said the girl.

"i'm not interested in dating anyone at this point." replied haruto, monotonous.

hyunsuk raised an eyebrow. what a cruel way to reject someone. no, seriously how did a bubbly guy like junkyu fall in love with this cold man?

"why? is there someone else you're interested in?"

"and if i do? it's none of your business." said haruto, his voice cold as ice. "i said i'm not interested in dating you and that ends the conversation. thank you."

and haruto left the room. he saw hyunsuk outside and glared at him and then left.

hyunsuk looked inside the room. the girl looked like she was on the verge of tears.

of course, leaving her and going would be an utter dick move. so he entered the classroom,

"are you okay? i didn't mean to eavesdrop but i happened to hear it." said hyunsuk, awkwardly smiling.

"you're friends with that kim junkyu right?" said the girl.

hyunsuk raised an eyebrow, taken aback. how fast do people get to know about things when it comes to haruto?


"do you think he knows who haruto likes?"

hyunsuk frowned. did this girl actually buy that? how could a cold-hearted man like haruto fall in love? and even if he claimed to have been in love with junkyu, clearly that wasn't true considering how he left junkyu without a word, hurting him beyond reason.

"hyunsuk!" he heard junkyu call out to him.

hyunsuk turned and saw junkyu running towards him at full speed.

"what happened?" asked hyunsuk, taken aback,

junkyu was panting heavily. "did you know that haruto was the son of some minister?"

hyunsuk nodded his head as if it's the most obvious thing. "yeah. of course. i mean, who doesn't? you have to be the most oblivious person in the universe to not k--oh, shit. you didn't know."

junkyu looked down, hiding his face. for reasons unknown, his eyes were just watering on their own.

why was he the only one who didn't know? did haruto know trust junkyu enough? it hurt, okay. junkyu didn't know such an important detail about the man who claimed to love him. of course, it would hurt.

"are you crying?" asked hyunsuk, feeling a pang of pain in his heart as well. nothing hurt much more than being the only one in love.

hyunsuk put junkyu's head on his shoulder. "it's okay. we'll get your revenge okay? we'll make him feel twice the pain he made you feel."

"i feel like shit." mumbled junkyu.

hyunsuk hugged junkyu tighter.

he wasn't going to let haruto hurt this man anymore from now.


short update but hey, at least i'm back :) i was supposed to be back on the 11th but turns out i'll be busy asf on that day so here's an early update.

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pixiedust :)

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