//Chapter 5//

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Honestly idk how this is gonna go cause idk what else to write but eh I'll come up with stuff along the way ig- n e wayz on with the story!


Ailfred's {POV}

I woke up in a semi-familiar place. "Where am i?!" I looked around to see it was Jeremy's room at the hideout. I realised he wasn't laying down next to me. I turned around to find his spot empty. Quickly i sat up. 'What happened last night?...' Instantly my memories started flooding back. "We..." my voice trailed of as my mind imagined the scene again, the feeling was delightful though it felt wrong...

'Val might kill me if she found out that i slept with Jeremy..' I face palmed myself. "Though it did feel good...guilty pleasure i guess." I said snickering a bit. The door suddenly opened and Jeremy walked in holding a tray with 2 plates and cups and some other stuff. He set it down on the bed, then climbed in next to me. I felt heat all over my body. The wonderful aroma of the food filled the room.

It was almost overwhelming. Jeremy was already eating so i reached for my plate and began eating too. It was pancakes with fruits on top and syrup running down the stacks. After one bite i felt like i was in food heaven. The sweet savoury taste. The delicate texture made it even better. It was beyond scrumptious. I didn't want it to go to waste so i took my time with each and every bite. Once i was finished Jeremy took the trey downstairs to the kitchen.

I took out my phone and found a notification at the top of my screen. Before i could check it i felt an arm wrap around my waist. A head lay itself in the crook of my neck. Jeremy's heat around my body made all the coldness disappear. My hand unconsciously wondered into his soft hair. He looked up at me, his eyes taking in every feature on my face. His hand raised. His thumb gently gracing over my lips.

Dark eyes appeared to be soft and welcoming. He placed a soft kiss on my lips and went back to his previous positing. His breath slightly brushing against my neck. Heat rose up on my cheeks. I closed my eyes, laying there in silence.

'Welp I'm gonna explode'


Hilda's {POV}

I woke and got ready as usual. I called all the maids to attention and they lined up horizontally. "Rebecca, Beta and Mini." I said. They stepped forward. "You guys are to clean the dining and kitchen areas." I said. They went on to do the jobs i had given them.

"Austin." I called. She stepped forward and awaited my commands. "You are to check the cellar." I said. She still stood there but i didn't notice. "Judi and Maryfield." They stepped forward. "You guys are to make breakfast. Annabelle and Tristan are to care for the guards. And lastly Burnette, Bumble and Patricia are to clean the hallways." I said finishing the order.

Austin raised up her hand. "Yes Austin?." "W-well the celler is k-kinda dark scary..." "Then you may switch jobs with Maryfield. Would that be fine?" I said. She nodded in response. I clapped my hands signaling that they all get to work.

I went upstairs to do my daily check up on the royal children. I started with the youngest, Alpha. His room was completely empty accept for a note on his bed.

Dont worry Hilda im at the hideout, i figured i could stay there for the night. If Max asks where i am just tell him im visiting the Vispera family, love Alpha❤

I acknowledged his note and reassurance that he was safe. I went onto Val's room. And she was laying face down on the bed, her face digging into an unknown piece of clothing. I figured i would talk to her about it later seeing as she might want to be alone for now. Closing her door i walked over to Max's room.

Her Overwhelming Love {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now