Burning Down The House Pt. 2

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As Nick is in a showdown with Sammy, the floor collapses underneath Sammy and Nick. As Sammy and Nick fall, they slow to the ground and land on their feet, Sammy is in the building, which is nothing but a burnt-out husk. Nick slowly walks to the building.

"Nick, wake up." Yells Sara

Nick hears Sara's voice in the distance, as he was walking to the building, Sammy was controlling this alternate world. Nick was walking up to the stage as the world dissolves around, the stage as Sammy was standing on the stage, he had the animatronics dancing and singing in their rotted state, nick ran up to the stage and ran straight into Sammy, as Sammy dissolved into dust, so did the world around him and Nick woke up in the restaurant now in flames.

"Nick, wake up hurry," shouts Sara

Nick slowly gets up as the restaurant collapses around him. Sammy stands in the corner of the stage causing the collapse, as pillars fall around Nick, the firetruck arrives, and two firefighters rush inside and help Nick outside just as the building collapses to the ground.

"Sir, are you ok?" asks a paramedic

"Yeah, I'm fine," winces Nick as the paramedic helps him into the ambulance.

Three hours later Nick wakes up in a hospital room and he checks the time, Seven A.M., as he is getting out of a fog, he notices the group sitting outside and Jakob standing next to him.

"I didn't plan for you to escape that place, Nick you ruined my plans, that cage is now gone, but that evil will haunt this town for the rest of eternity," Jakob says as he leaves

[End Of Chapter 4]

"The Best Way Out Is Through" – Robert Frost

Sorry, guys its a little short but I just wanna thank whoever made it this far and thank you guys for at least giving me a chance to entertain..,

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